Frage von kerberos:
hello together,
we have gained a DV camcorder (Panasonic) and holiday synonymous with plenty of material (over 7 hours) filmed.
The films have become synonymous, all in AVI format landed on the plate. Now DVDs are to be created. The films themselves are each 60 minutes long (so long as a DV tape) and will initially come unedited on DVD.
Then we will Zusammenschneiden a few sequences from the various tapes and a 'leave-DVD' (quasi create a best of).
The video editing is due to several existing tools (Ulead Media Studio, Magix Video Deluxe, etc.) are not the problem.
But how / how do I get the movies then reasonable to DVD?
First steps have shown me that I am using TMPGEnc but a DVD can produce suitable format, but if I want to burn to DVD with Nero for example, it encodes to me again. Thus, the cost is immense.
Does anyone else have some tips for me, which encoder is a good compromise between speed and quality features?
How can I avoid the re-encode at Nero for example?
Schonmal Thanks for the patience with the little problems of a bloody beginner.
Antwort von PowerMac:

The time typing your contribution, would have been better utilized with the search function and FAQs.
Antwort von PowerDrac:
The time typing your contribution, would have been better utilized with the search function and FAQs. Babbler.
Antwort von martinsw:

Yes, thank you.
The reading I did, of course, helped me next, but only partially.
Antwort von kerberos:

Oops, the last contribution of war (only me not logged in), the last but not.
Antwort von StefanS:

Oulad MediaStudio Pro has everything s.Bord what you first need to convert the 7 tapes in 7-hour DVD, including the engine and the burner of the MPEG encoder. If the version is not the oldest, example 7.0, then tinkers on the Ulead usable surface of the MainConcept encoder.
What you can not do with the MSP, are DVD menus, but do you have for these 7 discs so synonymous not before.
However, I must warn you, if the 7 DVDs for only once there, to transfer the tapes. Better is: s.ins Archive
The DVDs will be long since ceased to be readable, then you help the next tapes still in their original quality.
How did you get to create the "best of" too. Hopefully not of the DVDs, right?
More of the original files in AVI format.
If this will prevent the "best of" section is finished, then save again with MSP as MPEG.
Then you need a program for creating DVD menus, chapters, etc. Sinvollerweise one that) the existing MPEG not unpack again rendering (and re-encoded, such as Ulead DVD MovieFactory.
Antwort von kerberos:

Yes, thanks, that helps me schonmal next.
Media Studio is available in Version 8, the tapes I transfer course not. The hike to the archive.
The 'best of' are created by the source material (AVI), otherwise it indeed with average szenengenauem nix.
Exactly the problem with the new rendering I have. Nero always renders as new, there is no preference in what format the material.
The Filmbrennerei I certainly have not. Which software can still do it?
Antwort von beiti:

Why do you necessarily want to copy the entire seven hours on a DVD? But the MPEG2 encoding has been going on forever (if it is encoded in good quality), and who is to look at it ever the uncut film Monster on DVD?
If it still must be some reason, I would tend to a DVD recorder with DV input use. The encoding in real time (ie, dubbing it takes "only" 7 hours).
I would focus entirely on s.Deiner place to write the main movie, and make not just a cobbled together "Best Of", but make a really nice Holiday Film of 30 (or at most 60) minutes in length, also with commentary, music etc.