Frage von aera:
Now after I have been sitting for several hours s.dem problem, I hope that I may be of help (very urgent necessarily) someone.
I have my button in Photoshop and created with the highlight feature of Encore (which is yes in principle a mouseover, right?) Provided. well, the synonymous works, but only synonymous with color-surfaced when a course or a picture is included, the mouseover, anyway ... is the standard for online anyway encore?
THE question: Is it possible to share not only a highlight on mouseover, but synonymous, when I click the button again gets a different color.
Please help, I do not know whether ichs in the help or simply just read over net buckle ...
thank you, aera
Antwort von Andreas jigme:

Hey Area,
So, in the Menufarbpaletten you can identify three colors, each with different transparencies to be embarrassed for all three states of buttons different colors.
Processing takes place on the finer levels of a button.
A look at the layers window. As you can see that each button an entire set of levels is assigned. (further explanation in the help) If, for example in an inactive state, a Buitton should be invisible, you can simply hide the appropriate level. And of course you can each individual layers in Photoshop to edit. Simply right click in the Menu and "Edit in Photoshop, and select Open. All layers and layer sets are taken 1 to 1 ... editing in Photoshop, save and back ... I think the Encore workflow here pretty awesome, so I s.liebsten synonymous with Encore to work, except of the really simple logic of the program.
I hope I could help you ...
Gruß, Andreas.
Antwort von aera:

mal danke andreas
So, if I understood you correctly: the color for selection (mouseover or activate) I decide basically set in the menu "Color". In Group 1, I define highlights in "Selected State Colors in the mouse-over behavior, and in" Activated State Colors in the behavior when the mouse is pressed. But why do I have three colors to Choice?
As the plane are built up, I've basically been realized, but not how they stand in the connection to Colorset.
I would like to understand this simple logic of this program;)
Antwort von Andreas Jigme:

Unfortunately, today I have next to no time to answer you, sorry.
One more thing: you can convert any graphic element into a button, pictures, or whatever synonymous always ...
About the planes you can to "determine the sub. I have Encore in German, I do not dewegen you can provide the correct English names.
The three colors correspond to the three states of one button, right. In Menuvorschau you can about the little Schaltfläschen synonymous get a preview of all three states. Editing of buttons, and all of sub-menus of s.besten in Photoshop!
Good luck! (The assistance is not bad and there are many helpful tutorials on the net synonymous)
Gruß, Andreas.
PS: It's true, the workflow is actually logical, but the animation and real freedom of design of buttons and their actions is not immediately intuitive to understand, we could do better. But once you're durchgestiegen you are free to make anything. That's the nice s.Encore ...