Frage von marvinh:
I would like to see a new camcorder growth. Unfortunately, I have no idea of the matter, I just want to crisp, detailed images of kite surfing, which I with my old 300 ¬ camcorder could never achieve.
Often, the Panasonic GS500 for highly praised.
About the GS320, which is significantly cheaper, I could in the reference has not read much. Is it worth 300 ¬ more for the GS500 out? What are the practical advantages of this camera compared to the cheaper?
For ¬ 140 more than the Panasonic GS500, the Canon HV20 is available in the HD video camcorders mostly as a test winner in this price category performs. My TV is not HD ready, so me an HDV camera would be futile, but I thought to myself that I have the video recordings of an HDV Camera s.PC subsequently heavily digitally ranzoomen, without dadrunter that the quality suffers?
Many of the shots that should happen from the shore.
Furthermore I am interested in whether the three cameras another lens can be screwed (I have the Internet, unfortunately, found nothing). Especially a fisheye lens would be interested in me.
In addition, I would like a water housing growth.
As a cheap alternative, I have the Aquapac and the Ewa-Marine bag found. From both companies is a Unterwasserbag for the Panasonic camcorder to be found. For the Canon does not. Is it synonymous nor other alternatives? Which of the two Unterwasserbag companies would you recommend?
Thanks in advance!
Regards, Marvin
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... on whether the three cameras another lens can be screwed (I have the Internet, unfortunately, found nothing). These cameras have filter threads, so you can synonymous Lens Attachments / converter to use (obviously not a complete Lenses, since none of these cameras on a Exchangable optics capabilities). What are the prefixes in question, you'll find the homepages of the usauf camcorder-Manufacturer or the homepage of the Raynox converter manufacturer or with the help of the search here in the forum.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von finne99:

Cool, thanks for the answer!
Now I have yet to decide for a camcorder. In a similar thread in this forum ( "young looking camcorder for snowboarding"), these three were synonymous camcorder proposed, but not weiterausdisskutiert. What would you recommend?
I must say that my PC just an Intel Centrino 1.6 GHz (equivalent to about 2.2 GHZ) and only 512 mb Ram has: /
Antwort von finne99:

PC upgrade in future time? If video still synonymous in the future be? HV20. The HV 20 can be so synonymous record HDV and DV output, so the PC is actually no problem, and in the future, the material can be viewed in HD synonymous / be revised.
At Amazon, the AGM 20 (849 ¬) are currently cheaper than the GS 500 (894 ¬).
Antwort von finne99:

depends on:
of land from the HV20 filmed on board from the GS320.
the gs500 is not worth more (too expensive in comparison to better HV20).
So my tip:
HV20 and buy the old cam to keep fahraufnahmen.
gruß cj
Antwort von finne99:

New PC's maybe in his half-year to graduation. Previously, I will unfortunately not be able to because my camcorder for the money it goes;)
I've a link of a video as an example of looking out.
At such a quality I thought at the pictures (and the cut will cost the same record).
I have Kaufberatung in this thread here in the forum heard that the quality of HDV converted to DV recordings often worse than the images of a 3CCD Camera!
Is my assumption that the post ditigale Zoom s.PC looks almost perfect, if I with the HDV camera films (compared with the 3CCD Camera)?
Regards, Marvin
Antwort von marvinh:

The film is very much zoomed (ie very close rangezoomt, at once jumped rangezoomt completely and then slowly rangezoomt) -> This is everything but a later PC with digital zoom or not?
Antwort von marvinh:

I have Kaufberatung in this thread here in the forum heard that the quality of HDV converted to DV recordings often worse than the images of a 3CCD Camera!
So, again read:
"Furthermore, a HDV cam that is available on PAL standard runterregelt, a poorer quality than normal DV Cams, this is s.Aufbau the chip HDV camcorder, it needs the PAL Picture digitally calculated, which leads to data loss .
And the Canon has only 1CCD chip - which makes it look like?