Frage von Overkill1990:
I have the question in another forum schonmal gestellt.Google has spit ir and this forum (bzw.die user) has to my questions (3) still do not geantwortet.Also my question:
How much do you shell out for a used Canon XL1S and how does the XL1S is compared with the SonyVX2100, which is very popular indeed synonymous?? Me interressiert mainly the formation and sound quality.
Antwort von Stefan:

Oh, the evil user there ;-)
Have you ever considered why None has responded?
Perhaps because the answer is you are interested and because you're too strack even researching a jot to do so and because your question is boring - and especially here in the forum made derogatory towards another forum -.
Wohlmöglich appears in the next forum on "I've put the question in another forum schonmal ( This Forum (bzw.die user) has not responded to my question today."
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von molch:

A look at ebay and you're smarter. ;-)
But I think that is overpriced.
The XL1S is no longer the latest and if you do not use interchangeable lenses, you have except the frame mode no particularly good quality.
the picture is just blurred, the CCDs have too low a resolution for the pal format.
So of frame mode, and besides, the VX2100 is objectively superior to the XL1S in the visual quali.