Frage von pkirschke:
Hello User,
I have made 4 AVI clips with CS3 created a movie, and wanted him as described in the manual, on a DVD exporting. The entry 'In Encore export' was grayed out, that is inactive. So, I took in a movie exported and received a 14 GB AVI file. How do I get this file to a DVD and abspielfähige why Encore is the menu item disabled? Thank you in advance for constructive tips. Paul Kirschke
Antwort von Debonnaire:

The AVI file into Adobe Encore to import into a timeline and set out to create the DVD. Done!
AVI is 14 GB in about 65 minutes of film. It fits easily on a DVD, one of the best MPEG2 quality!
Why the menu in Premiere Pro was out, I can with your information does not say.
Antwort von pkirschke:

Thanks for the quick reply. I have done exactly as you've described, so AVI files imported, transitions and titles inserted, and then yes, I wanted to burn everything to DVD. This happens but, as I have read under File / Export / Export to Encore, right? Yes and this item was not available. Thanks for a tip. Paul Kirschke
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Yes, of course, it can be made directly out of Premiere. I machs never been so easy, but always first create the finished, highest quality film as uncompressed AVI.
This has the advantage that I really see what I've actually given and not fabricates ewiglange Rene ring time for MPG2isieren NEN verbrate and blank DVD verschwende, only to often to remember that this is even not my desired outcome was .
By AVI (yes, lots of space needed, but today really is the smallest problem) but then I can start a lot more than "just" ne DVD to burn:
- On my PC Watch.
- Via ne Encore DVD burn.
- With the Windows Media Encoder (in part) to create a WMV, for example, on ne site.
- In a new Premiere Project (in part) as a raw material in original quality in a new project to use.
- In a new Premiere Project in original quality back to a DV tape to play as the master backup, then what if all the "only" to be captured again, should I again in the future the need original AVI (which I then but the interval of the plate was removed).
- Etc.
I find this approach simply brings more value from the effort made!