Frage von Rudolf Rock:
Antwort von B.DeKid:

What do you want to f + r the one chen 'camcorders' output?
B. DeKid
Antwort von Johannes:

I could thee of the "smaller" cameras the Panasonic DVX100 recommend has a wide 50 degrees WITHOUT Anglevon Wideangle converter.
Maybe you have a garkeinen Wide Anglesondern Fisheye.
Antwort von Rudolf Rock:

ahem! I film once a year on vacation! max. 1000, - ¬. rather far below .............
Antwort von domain:

For Digiknipsen begins a trend towards more angular models already (25 mm for example, the Panasonic Lumix FX500) but when appropriate Consumercamcordern has this very meaningful trend, unfortunately, not yet begun ........
Antwort von Rudolf Rock:
For Digiknipsen begins a trend towards more angular models already (25 mm for example, the Panasonic Lumix FX500) but when appropriate Consumercamcordern has this very meaningful trend, unfortunately, not yet begun ........ nice that you agree with me.
I see it on vacation again and again: Many people have the wide-angle converter front draufgeschraubt. Even just a space is not without it!
As I have understood your text: No, there is not at all ?!?!?
Antwort von Meggs:

I want to renounce these acts can be wide. First, the stupid and secondly, from the quality s.den edges.
Weitwinkelvorsätzen When there are big differences in quality. I'm using for my WD58h of the XM2 Canon. The stupid does not look out and the picture quality does not deteriorate. However, costs over 250 ¬.
Perhaps you should look for a better Converter look for your camcorder.
Antwort von raymaker:

[quote = "Megger"]
not deteriorate the image quality. However, costs over 250 ¬.
All Converter worsen the picture - without exception;)
Antwort von Rudolf Rock:

I want to renounce these acts can be wide. First, the stupid and secondly, from the quality s.den edges.
Weitwinkelvorsätzen When there are big differences in quality. I'm using for my WD58h of the XM2 Canon. The stupid does not look out and the picture quality does not deteriorate. However, costs over 250 ¬.
Perhaps you should look for a better Converter look for your camcorder. I do not want more in the mini-DV technology investing.
I have my original Sony Sonyden Converter drauf.
Then I will probably still times my money together and to wait for next year. Since it's in the U.S. and because it is so much cheaper.
Perhaps what is even more of the IFA ?!?!?!
Antwort von Meggs:

I do not want more in the mini-DV technology investing.
I have my original Sony Sonyden Converter drauf.
That has nothing to do with Mini DV and nothing with the original manufacturer to do so. The XM2 and the only e WD58h wainr example. I wanted to say that WW-Converter is the good. They are expensive but usually synonymous. For cheap camcorder, the Manufacturer synonymous Converter at cheap, and the fit is often not much. The alternative is either a camcorder with an interchangeable lens, or possibly a high-quality converter of a foreign manufacturer.
Antwort von Rudolf Rock:

I do not want more in the mini-DV technology investing.
I have my original Sony Sonyden Converter drauf.
That has nothing to do with Mini DV and nothing with the original manufacturer to do so. The XM2 and the only e WD58h wainr example. I wanted to say that WW-Converter is the good. They are expensive but usually synonymous. For cheap camcorder, the Manufacturer synonymous Converter at cheap, and the fit is often not much. The alternative is either a camcorder with an interchangeable lens, or possibly a high-quality converter of a foreign manufacturer. Already understood! But if I am now in a "super-duper" converter for my old mini-DV and invest in mid or late next year, then another for Full-HD then fit the new and expensive Kionverter not purchased the new camera.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
....... Then I will probably still times my money together and to wait for next year. Since it's in the U.S. and because it is so much cheaper.
..... Yes because you should visit here after reports relating to Cam Purchase U.S. search. Let's see whether it is even cheaper, or pay ;-)
(Tax, import inch, no guarantee)
(HDV) WW optical switching cost about 2500 euros upwards so optics are more likely to shift away.
Converter Raynox company are often recommended.
B. DeKid
Antwort von fourCCrider:

because I grad synonymous with the general lack weitwinkel
mucking around: in the consumer area, I know not synonymous with a real camcorder weitwinkel, certainly not with interchangeable lenses without ...
intent will not be objective.
the weakening of my old optical converter intentions (from the video-8 / vhs time) you can see when sony HC7E even s.display ...
synonymous, not all sony-converter has a good reputation in the Raynox lenses, the opinions differ, century optics cost tw. more of you than the targeted camcorder.
nu synonymous because I do not too much private money wanted to invest, I am
in a well-known auction house after converter for photo cameras around - which should per se, for slightly better image quality geeginet be. several step-up / step-down thread adapters are not
sicht a first test: the nikon wc-E63 via step-down ring of 37 to 28 mm in front of the sony HC7 vignettiert not distorted slightly, the rand unschärfe remains limited - although nikon insisted that the only thing to
coolpix dives with real macro area passe.
real dissolution tests are pending, synonymous in testing, I
a tailor-UWL-Kreuznach lens and 2 variants of Eumig-PM,
these things were used for thin film cameras built.
from these lenses, there is in any case no / little distortion tons.
if desired, of course, I participated with, what with the low-cost probiererei rauskommt.
so typed enough for today. lg, 4CC
Antwort von Rudolf Rock:

danke @ all
I keep my current and wait!