Frage von blubber:We are looking for professional cameramen DVD and video productions.
You should possess the following Vorraussetztungen:
- Own HD Cam (minimum level as SonyZ1 ca)
- Battery life of at least 16 hours (of course by several Batteries Total)
- City NRW NRW State and ans grenzent.
- Mobile (car)
- Team
- Fun factor
We offer:
- Good pay (varies per project will be agreed before any request for consent beitseitigen)
- Several orders and production in the year
- A lot of fun;)
We gladly accept synonymous entrants, freelancers and others:)
Please sign here via email: blubber.mail @
Please contact data mitschicken! (All contact information will be kept confidential and not given next s.3te)
All other contact details and further information or questions regarding this which can still make answer I will be happy!
Antwort von KrischanDO:
sounds interesting.
Among the above-mentioned score:
SonyEX-1 exists, Batteries + SxS cards well, Arri light suitcases, etc.
Dortmund, car logo,
20 years prof. Advertising photography experience,
All contact information on
Antwort von weitwinkel:
strange request ...
no information who is behind it and what it is ...
no homepage, no name blubber?
gruß cj
Antwort von KrischanDO:
Well, it is not porn, which revolves None more in Germany, far too expensive ...
And so stupid, here to post and then by email in advance to request mediation fees or pitiful daily rates that will probably be synonymous None.
I'm curious ...
Antwort von blubber:
: D no no, not porn: D hehe
sry Bubber is the name with which I am a long time here with. :)
There are obviously no fee or any charged. This is really about putting together a team!
Of course, it's only once for the coarse search, as synonymous very broad projects are below. Then it can run as normal next like a normal application.
Say all the write to me via PM, get after completing the request, all information and an appointment for a meeting / presentation (without additional costs, etc.!). Introducing ... because I am funny and great long-term cooperation and would like it seriously with my (our later;)) my work.
So just please email s.mich with a few details / contact information (especially email address) about you / you, then do I sign up within 24 hours!
PS: the casting is not: D just want to really serious applications, not RTL Kasper: P
Antwort von PowerMac:
When it finally understands that it is in the Forum of Slashcam NOT PM functionality there?
Antwort von blubber:
I have just seen synonymous, so I have in front of your entry quickly edit all my posts and now it works on anything, please e-mail address:)