Infoseite // Camerawoman / cameraman for a student project on a fee basis Wanted!

Frage von Alcandre:

For all international (Germany, Russia) short film project (well, yes in my semester project) is a camera woman / a cameraman wanted. Rotate the circle will be held in Augsburg - Nürnberg - Amstetten instead. The Project, like every student project is virtually non-budget, if it could be "virtually" a certain amount still understands. Notice given. (This means that my pay goes with Project)

The short film will be in about 3 days at 4 sites in July this year rotated.

If the display has your interest, please contact us (with your photo and video portfolio) at:
alcandre.lericaneur @

Liebe Grüße,


Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:



Antwort von ed-media:

Hello, have mailed the Threaderöffner, nothing came back. What is it?
Gruß Eric


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