Frage von Tschakle:
Hey ...
is that is that if I create a menu and then let's say a black screen with a statement indicating that you when you click to start the video, the video does not start in full screen but the small screen and the menu still continues to be active? ?
It could go so let go if I would make it as s new menu and an animated video of the switch, but since then the shit I can not set chapter markers, so if I am in the menu on the chapter then go ztrotzdem only dembildschirm that of the video of the agency begins to play or?
would be cool if some way of going .. also synonymous with chapters, because of other habsch already so hinbekommen ....
MFG Thomas W
Antwort von steveb:

if you tell us now synonymous yet, with which program you want to do it, we could help you more easily ... :-)
Antwort von Tschakle:

OH, I jerk: P
Accomplished using Adobe Encore ichs'd want to ....
Thank you
MFG Thomas W
Antwort von steveb:
is similar, perhaps it will help Gov. ..
Antwort von Tschakle:

Thank you
But yes, I did everything the hinbekommen so far ..... mir gehts so largely a matter ... how can I link to the film chapter, so the small monitor of the film starts in a particular chapter and is then synonymous on a small monitor and not in big picture .... but it seems as if we were to get the net or no??
Thank you
MFG Thomas W
Antwort von steveb:

very special ... sorry I can not help.
schau mal if you search via google with "encore tutorial" coming next ...
there are a few of them, maybe you have said in a happy and wirds.