Frage von bluedater:
Dear Forum,
I own a Canon HF 100 and have been recently introduced a new PC with Vista Ultimate 64th Unfortunately, for the transmission of video on the PC provides Pixela ImageMixer 3 SE under Vista 64 with no or only very slowly to work.
Has anyone of you experience that? How did you get it running? Is there a way to watch the videos without image mixer from the Camera auzulesen? Where can I get a driver?
Thank you for your support, Sue Blue
Antwort von deti:

Explorer to open the drive looking for the camera showing directories (DCIM, MISC, PRIVATE) and the files from the directory "PRIVATE / AVCHD / BDMV / STREAM" on the calculator copy.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Who files of external devices can copy, which creates easy synonymous with video files. There is also synonymous in the manual yet been described.
Antwort von bluedater:
Who files of external devices can copy, which creates easy synonymous with video files. There is also synonymous in the manual yet been described. In my manual is, unfortunately, nothing about this. It's described as the mixer is about image.
Antwort von bluedater:
Explorer to open the drive looking for the camera showing directories (DCIM, MISC, PRIVATE) and the files from the directory "PRIVATE / AVCHD / BDMV / STREAM" on the calculator copy.
Deti Thank you Deti. However, only the last access to this folder 5-10 minutes and led to a freeze Explorer. Until the transfer, I am under Vista never came. Under XP already does this. Is this normal?
Antwort von deti:

Normally, the list will be displayed immediately and the transfer of files with approximately 12Mbytes / s of sites go.
If the different behavior with you, then you need to research the cause. Alternatively, you could use the SD Card camera synonymous plug into a card reader - presumably occur here but it still complained about the waiting times of you on.
Antwort von bluedater:

Because the cause of research I'm just here. What could this be wrong? Operator you have the Canon HF 100 because under Vista 64?
Antwort von bluedater:
Normally, the list will be displayed immediately and the transfer of files with approximately 12Mbytes / s of sites go.
Deti Have finally managed via the MTS Explorer to a file and access via copy & paste on my hard drive to be drawn. Duration for 18 MByte about 40 seconds, ie 512 KB / s. Duration of 227 MByte: already running 21 minutes, the green bar is approximately 10 percent. I assume that the story is abgeschmiert.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

I use my calculator HF100 s.keinem but move the video material on a card directly to disk.
For this I use the one with my Transcend 16GB SDHC card was. This flood chen bits just so! :)
This is the data throughput between 12 and 16MB / s
Oh yes, for me is "Vista32 Business" in use, but should make no difference.
Antwort von darg:

Vista is famous for its USB mackemans. I've synonymous, data or other digicams of USB sources last forever, but hold only under Vista. The same machine, only with XP loaded, the ruckzuck. Unfortunately I do not know of this patch, would be grateful for any input.
Antwort von RickyMartini:
Vista is famous for its USB mackemans. I've synonymous, data or other digicams of USB sources last forever, but hold only under Vista. The same machine, only with XP loaded, the ruckzuck. Unfortunately I do not know of this patch, would be grateful for any input. Do you have the SP1 installed? Without copying generally lasts much longer.
Antwort von deti:
Vista is famous for its USB mackemans. Here goes with the transfer of 12Mbytes / s directly of the Camera (32-bit Vista).
Antwort von darg:
Vista is famous for its USB mackemans. I've synonymous, data or other digicams of USB sources last forever, but hold only under Vista. The same machine, only with XP loaded, the ruckzuck. Unfortunately I do not know of this patch, would be grateful for any input.
Do you have the SP1 installed? Without copying generally lasts much longer. SP1 brings nothing. My Vista Home Premium DVD 64bit car came with SP1 and the transfer is slower than with a C64. Is halt Vista and I accept it. Will probably take a test with XP 64bit make. Let's see how since my hardware is supported. Annoys me just $ 130 spent to have an OS for which I will not use. Even so, there is with Vista Xp unlike some things that disturb me greatly, but that's another topic.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

@ Present
Such a behavior is completely unknown to me, since I use Vista and the beta has been the case. Perhaps it is s.deiner hardware. In addition, did you Vista synonymous for a whole month free of charge - only without the need to purchase. ;)
Get the Windows 7 beta "and test yourself.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Just dubious, of which everything is being ... :)
Camera Chip from taking in SDHC compatible card reader for 5 euros and stuck s.PC?, And the clips from the directory on the hard drive in the system copy. This goes with any of the above operating systems.
Antwort von RickyMartini:
Just dubious, of which everything is being ... :)
Camera Chip from taking in SDHC compatible card reader for 5 euros and stuck s.PC?, And the clips from the directory on the hard drive in the system copy. This goes with any of the above operating systems. Sag ich doch synonymous! ;)
Antwort von darg:
@ Present
Such a behavior is completely unknown to me, since I use Vista and the beta has been the case. Perhaps it is s.deiner hardware. In addition, did you Vista synonymous for a whole month free of charge - only without the need to purchase. ;)
Get the Windows 7 beta "and test yourself. My hardware can not, because XP runs jagged and USB2.0 devices have an enormous speed advantage against older devices with USB1.1. It's just Vista or something like it should be that all the software that make our lives so much easier so, nice and fast does not make you to be infallible?
After what M $ with the last OS Vista had done was only a logical conclusion and I had expected. The Users of the Schwanzabschneiden next drive and the systems always seem so burdensome to respond to the mesh. Well I am look at the real version of W7 tense. I have spare time on a Cray ......
ok, now I can back off the Sarkasmusmode .....
Antwort von bluedater:

So, I will summarize the state times together:
(1) Vista 32 bit
Apparently no problems. Here, however, synonymous Pixela Image Mixer officially run.
(2) Vista 64 bit
Apparently neither does Pixela Image Mixer nor the means of the Explorer, which you can close that there is no problem of Pixela Image Mixer, but a quirk in the operating system. Patch or other drivers for USB, there is apparently not. Could a workaround be CardReader. Why only you? Because synonymous again via the USB should go. Has someone a card reader with Vista 64 bit in use?
(3) XP 64 bit
It's unclear whether it is here, however, there are enormous problems with WLAN (eg, no drivers for Netgear WG311V3), which for me the reason was my Vista 64 bit zuzulegen.
(4) XP 32 bit
Everything green. Pixela Image mixer is running, the way the Explorer synonymous, Card Reader, too. Even wireless card running. But know it is not his. I mean: for 64 bits is recommended, but the operating systems then s.Datenimport sick.
@ Wolfgang:
Do you think 64-bit Vista in use? Ricky Martini has only 32-bit Vista in use, which in this discussion is not helpful (see thread title), because both Pixela Image Mixer synonymous as the Explorer and the way card reader work.
Thank you for your contributions, Blue Sue
Antwort von RickyMartini:

I plan W7 64bit on a fresh disk to install. Then time will tell whether my card synonymous with the future 64-bit version running.
Alternatively, I can yes Vista64 again on the new album might clap in order to help. :)
Antwort von darg:

What I noticed with 64Bit Vista is that it is synonymous the graphic card drivers for newer cards, so until about 2 years old, not the hit or it's s.den codecs can be used. If material that maybe SD is on the monitor fully aufblaest, a art upscaling is taking place, it is not just blurred, but there are extreme Kloetchen, which I've never seen XP. Apparently, the codecs on 64bit Vista is worse or are simply wrong.
Antwort von wolfgang:

@ Wolfgang:
Do you think 64-bit Vista in use? Ricky Martini has only 32-bit Vista in use, which in this discussion is not helpful (see thread title), because both Pixela Image Mixer synonymous as the Explorer and the way card reader work.
Yes, I have a Vista 64 test system in use - but primarily work with XP. Only interested me the Image mixer does not stop there ...
Antwort von RickyMartini:
Fresh results of "Windows 7 64bit! With the Transcend reader could in 10GB hard drive 11min to be transferred.
The source was a 16GB SDHC card with pictures of my HF100.
Antwort von uli_u:

Hello bluedater,
have exactly the same problem. Vista 64, HF100, infected Camera, Calculator, while recognizing the camera, all the operations are very slow. Copy unthinkable. The Image Mixer software recognizes the camera.
After a long time then try the following solution / insight:
The Camera is only under Vista 64 problems, if I s.den front-mounted USB ports running.
At the rear ports is no problem: Camera will be identified quickly, high speed copy, even the Image Mixer software Pixelia works flawlessly here.
The whole thing has not synonymous with the connection cables of the camera to the calculator to do here have tried several cables (with and without shielding). Same Effect.
The whole thing is puzzling me, is a calculator Accer Aspire M7720.