Frage von wetterfrosch:
I own a HF10, whose files I can edit in Edius synonymous with XP ...
Now I got myself a MacBook Pro and there was synonymous of my files directly to SD card capture, but iMovie does not recognize this, Quicktime synonymous refuses to play and the VLC jerky (already playing, so is a general problem with the hd files VLC) ...
Synonymous, the HF10 has already connected via USB, but since the files are not synonymous of recognized imovie ...
Then I installed the included CD but the Programs only read the pictures of the HF10 a ...
Can someone please help me-I found already looked through google and synonymous here in the Forensuchen, but nothing matching
Gruß Thomas
Antwort von RickyMartini:

Do you use iLive 8 or 9? editing-in iLife - 09 - iMovie and iDVD-.html
Antwort von wetterfrosch:

I use iMovie 09
Antwort von koji:

I have the HFS100 avchd files and they'll be able to cut you hardly natively.
I have to synonymous (all convert to P2; main concept) and then I just cut with cs4. after I replace all the P2 files by the original avchd files and render - ready.
is not 100% satisfactory but still
Antwort von RickyMartini:
I have the HFS100 avchd files and they'll be able to cut you hardly natively.
I have to synonymous (all convert to P2; main concept) and then I just cut with cs4. after I replace all the P2 files by the original avchd files and render - ready.
is not 100% satisfactory but still You use a Mac or a Windows PC?
On Windows, can easily handle
PPro CS4 AVCHD natively. Therefore only one with over 2.5 Ghz C2D is necessary.
Antwort von koji:

So the word problem, I'd use here at AVC absolutely not!
may have cut a quad core with an external RAID, 4GB of problems, but here is not to be natively speak. at least not in HD.
PC use
Antwort von RickyMartini:

Premiere Pro CS4, it is no problem, AVCHD (; 50i/60i/25p/30p) without intermediate codec to edit.
A C2D with mind 2,5 Ghz, it should be, however, no other fluid playback of the timeline is possible.