Frage von holzbrettfahrer:
Hello community,
I read about for months here in the forum with busy, yet None could solve my problem.
Camera: Canon HV30 1080i
Import of the HD material in Premiere CS3 1440 x 1080 (1080i)
Output via Adobe Media Encoder - 1280 x 720 (720p)
(recommended Youtube HD format)
My problem is this:
If I as described above, my file output is the Picture in the normal playback process exactly as it should, but once Slowmotion (slow motion) to around 55% it runs jerky.
slow motion will mean that the clip at certain speeds between 55 - 70% were down. In the preview window of Premiere (before output), the slow and totally unnecessary from top.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Please do not forget those who are viewing the material that you must switch to HD and not everything in slow motion but only certain things were runtergedreht. But it looks like even where ruckler are ^ ^
Look forward to a reply.
PS When I click on all the 1080i output as it was synonymous, then the Slowmotionclips flawless, apart from that my calculator then no longer with the File cope: D
Antwort von Daigoro:

once but a slow (slow motion) to around 55% it runs jerky.
slow motion will mean that the clip at certain speeds between 55 - 70% were down. In the preview window of Premiere (before output), the slow and totally unnecessary from top.
Could that s.den 13.75 fps is that you in 25.0000000 images / s want to convert?
Depending on how bad the Rechenverhaeltnis is and how well the program can calculate between images, jerky's stop times more (to 2-3 because s.and same pictures in a row) or less.
Generally: divisible try just slowing down to reach and with the 50i Picture (which are quite good at 50 frames 720er resolution, which you can then return an integer to 25 bps can be slow) start, not with the already calculated down to 25p.
There are very valid synonymous Special Programs (link verschlampt again - google is your friend) that you legally from 50i recording anschaubare 25p at half speed to make (and with intermediate image can be calculated approximately 1 / 4 speed).
Antwort von holzbrettfahrer:

Thank you for your quick reply.
Obowohl I do not quite understand what you want to tell me, especially as you speed reductions of fractional speak.
I try to summarize.
I have no Ruckler when I returned to the format will output 1080i because the 50 fields to a speed reduction of 50% still look redundant since the human eye is synonymous with 25 fields still cope.
On the other hand if I "convert" to 720p is first of 50 fields to 25 frames and then down again on the SlowMotion to 12.5 - 15 frames. But I do 25 frames per second set to have her go first and fills the remaining missing 12.5 - 10 frames again with double images. That should then Ruckler explain?
I hope I have now no Sch *** written grad'm still in the learning process:)
is more complicated than the German tax law. Particularly in the law is everything, you just need to find where. In contrast, when everything seems so subjective and undeveloped.
Freu mich trotzdem of any further assistance regarding this issue:)
Antwort von Daigoro:

On the other hand if I "convert" to 720p is first of 50 fields to 25 frames and then down again on the SlowMotion to 12.5 - 15 frames. But I do 25 frames per second set to have her go first and fills the remaining missing 12.5 - 10 frames again with double images. That should then Ruckler explain?
There are no kommafuenf (5) images shown. Only full and either 24 (movies) or 25 or 50
If you have 25 frames to 55% slow want to come out since 13.75 - something that can not be displayed, but back to 25 'mix' - by doubling between visual computation, omit.
This leads to jerky presentation.
When you with 25 images per second ausgibst, the speed slowed down as a whole (and s.besten smooth, so 50 / 2: half - 50 * 0.7 -70% - with 35bps is again unfavorable reinzupacken) purely for the best fit results.
Antwort von holzbrettfahrer:

Ah, so ....
Then I had a mistake in the system:)
"Shutting down system"
Have extra 50% is not chosen because I thought with 55% or similar, I am away next to the number of the remaining terms without ruckler.
That means it would have been better if I could smooth the "50%" would have taken.
I will try it and report back:)
Thanks for the info!
Antwort von Daigoro:
Ah, so ....
Then I had a mistake in the system:)
"Shutting down system"
Have extra 50% is not chosen because I thought with 55% or similar, I am away next to the number of the remaining terms without ruckler.
That means it would have been better if I could smooth the "50%" would have taken.
I will try it and report back:)
Thanks for the info! Well, with the 25p begin the slow motion is so unfavorable or so, if you 50i as a starting material searched.
How good premiere clearly comes from 50i to 25p, at half speed to make, I can not definitely say.
There are different types of synonymous bucking.
If you have too little fps display (s.16 fps allegedly been relatively liquid, but 24fps is not superfluessig) - but that is standard in video editing relatively fixed standard (as I said, 24,25,30 - "NTSC" -50 -60) and really like your existing images (50i are the 50 half-images) on this rate to be distributed.
For snowboarding, I think things can consistently calm for the slow motion take half the speed (ie, from 50i to 25p).
If the setting is too long then, rather than what wegkuerzen ne different speed (70% instead of 50%) take.
The "slomo" effect can be a little bit by, you suddenly (hard about cutting loose gang of 100% to 50%) from the rapid movement in the slow motion is about.
Since the brain has a bit of inertia inside and take the slow deliberate true.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

@ wood board driver
The SD quality of your videos is just great! What codec and what settings did you use for the videos?
Antwort von holzbrettfahrer:

@ Daigoro
Did it again with just 50% probiert smooth, and it also jerky as before. I try now to go on first with SlowMotion to 1080i output and then import again and this will be exported to 720p. Perhaps what bringts yes.
@ RickyMartini - Issue or export as mentioned above - HDTV 1280 x 720 (720p). So synonymous then uploaded to Youtube.
Codec: H.264 Main Concept 25 FPS 720p 16:9
Hope I could help you and hope you have exactly the info you want:)
PS love the S-DV output does not exactly exhilarating, you hire aufn HD button yet? : D
Antwort von Daigoro:
@ Daigoro
Did it again with just 50% probiert smooth, and it also jerky as before. I try now to go on first with SlowMotion to 1080i output and then import again and this will be exported to 720p. Perhaps what bringts yes.
If it's only after the upload to youtube jerky on the calculator and not locally, can order's synonymous s.deren funny flash video player is.
On the other hand you can not do much.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

The SD-BQ looks on my notebook ollen work very well - the HD-BQ of course.
I will be times with Vegas in the format and then render the quality on youtube with the old upload vegleichen - CS3, I have unfortunately not available.
Antwort von holzbrettfahrer:

So problem solved, synonymous if I do not really know what the reason is.
Premiere is the choice of project has already set what material is processed.
Of course, I always clicked 1080i, so I do not clip before the cut had to render (If there already I have 720p set was the red CLIP entertained and had to be rendered).
Now, as described above first 1080i - The Stuff and cut output at 1080i. Then import again but in a new Project with 720p.
The finished clip must now first be rendered. Then I give him as synonymous from 720p, and lo and behold: The liquid is super slow. I make a short video online that you even a picture can make.
On the other it means that we should not be too many files to render as each rendering process synonymous qualiätsverlust was disrupted? (Render - Issue - rendering - edition)
Still sounds like your tip with a straight "SlowMotion" paying s.and logically I will continue to observe, on average.
Thanks for the tip and as I said there are still equal to the taste of the liquid Slowmotion:)
Antwort von holzbrettfahrer:

Example - 2 jump (jump red trousers 1)
But you see S.2 Springer (Incidentally, I am (red trousers)) that Slowmotion looks absolutely unnecessary.
Antwort von holzbrettfahrer:

And here I am again!
I thought I had solved my problem. As described above SlowMotion my my jerky slow motion scenes after I 1080i source material converted to 720p.
I came to the following detour to "really" works:
Project Open - 1080i (50i)
Project and cut output to: 1440x1080 (1080i/50i)
New Project to open - 720p (25p)
Project can import and render
Project output: 1280 x 720p (25p)
The super-slow was now redundant - BUT: by the various Seiterverhältnisse 1.333333 and 1.7 it cuts me to the Picture.
That is why I am again facing the same problem as before!
Has no one seriously 1080i to 720p and attempt to convert simultaneously slow scenes installed?
Freu mich auf eure answer!
Antwort von Daigoro:

Project and cut output to: 1440x1080 (1080i/50i)
Why? 1440x1080 = 4:3? "Non-square pixels" is clicked?
HDV is 1440x1080 with 'non-square pixels' - ie from Seitenverhaeltnis again 16:9 So 1920x1080.
Has no one seriously 1080i to 720p and attempt to convert simultaneously slow scenes installed?
Ermm .. but not so complicated.
I imported the stuff into the NLE (bloss Media Studio Pro, not a premiere), cutting it, slow motion when necessary and then exported into the final format (eg WMV HD 1280x720p25).
Antwort von holzbrettfahrer:

Danke erstmal @ Diagoro that you're one of the few I tried to help;)
I do not know whether you have understood me, or I you? : D
My recording format is 1440x1080 (1080i / 50i)
That's why I give it so synonymous, and it must spend to slow the fluid being able to export.
And only in the 2nd step, I create a new project on which I 720p adjustment. And when importing my file (1080i), the material zugschnitten. Unfortunately.
At least yesterday, I have my buddy with a 1080i / 50i shots, which my calculator no longer showing smooth on Playstaition3 angeguggt (normal DVD). And I could cut my pictures in full quality to enjoy. The problem described above I've only Youtube anyway, because the demand 720p.
Antwort von Daigoro:
Danke erstmal @ Diagoro that you're one of the few I tried to help;)
I do not know whether you have understood me, or I you? : D
My recording format is 1440x1080 (1080i / 50i)
That's why I give it so synonymous, and it must spend to slow the fluid being able to export.
And only in the 2nd step, I create a new project on which I 720p adjustment. And when importing my file (1080i), the material zugschnitten. Unfortunately.
Ok, I versuch's nochmal. :)
1440x1080 is 4:3, when it's square pixels are [x]
But HDV is 16:9 ( "widescreen") with 1440x1080 - the pixels are not square, but in the width a bit stretched [xy]
Schematically, approximately:
4:3 with square pixels:
[x] [x] [x] [x]
[x] [x] [x] [x]
[x] [x] [x] [x]
16:9 with non-square pixels:
[xy] [xy] [xy] [xy]
[xy] [xy] [xy] [xy]
[xy] [xy] [xy] [xy]
you can see: same number of pixels (in the case of 4x3 = 12), but different Seitenverhaelnis.
If you have 1440x1080 with square pixels exportierst, the compressed picture, if you's want to re-import.
That means you can either export 1920x1080 (it's ok again Seitenverhaeltnis with 16:9 and so it's synonymous to the 'Full HD' television displayed)
Or you can export the 1440x1080, but then have to be after the "Square Pixel" / "non-square pixels" search button (or 'aspect ratio' set to 16:9 - exactly as in the premiere is, I can not say).
If it were really an additional import / export step is necessary so that liquid is running, is perhaps a little 'Featuere' (ie bug) in the program / encoder.
I can understand the material directly into the target format and has had no problems with Rucklern.
(noch'n little background info:
do not know whether this is necessarily relevant)
Antwort von holzbrettfahrer:

@ Daigoro
Sry for the late reply!
Habs have some time to read but I must admit it is slow to me too complicated.
I will be careful but s.WE - square pixels - to.
Thanks for the info!
Will s.WE my new calculator, but nothing particularly to hire läufts yes then with the better: D
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and I know it has actually nothing to do mitm Calculator, but I'll give the hope not to ... : D
Antwort von TheBubble:
Project and cut output to: 1440x1080 (1080i/50i) Which codec did you export? Here you should see a HDV 50i setting. If the indication of one aspect ratio or a lack of 1:1 is adopted, then the movie during playback or other use of square.
Has no one seriously 1080i to 720p and attempt to convert simultaneously slow scenes installed?
You're certainly not the first person tried :-)
Antwort von holzbrettfahrer:

Servus TheBubble
the problem is not s.der 1440x1080 (1080i) output, but yes I want exactly this material either already with 720p output.
But then, I have the problem with the jerky pictures Slowmotion
Or I make it through an intermediate step, ie first at 1080i output and then re-import to 720p output.
In this case, bucking the slow parts but it is no longer the picture ratio will change logically
1440/1080 = 1.3
1080/720 = 1.5
Antwort von Daigoro:
Servus TheBubble
the problem is not s.der 1440x1080 (1080i) output, but yes I want exactly this material either already with 720p output.
But then, I have the problem with the jerky pictures Slowmotion
Or I make it through an intermediate step, ie first at 1080i output and then re-import to 720p output.
In this case, bucking the slow parts but it is no longer the picture ratio will change logically
1440/1080 = 1.3
1080/720 = 1.5
Again .. HDV 1080i is 1440x1080 with square pixels NOT. 16:9 This is irrespective of the number of pixels!
1920x1080 25p attempt times out and then runterzurechnen.
720p is 1280x720 at 16:9
Look at the chart again s.and count the pixels:
4:3 * * square pixels:
[x] [x] [x] [x]
[x] [x] [x] [x]
[x] [x] [x] [x]
16:9 * not * square ( "square" / "anamorphic") pixels:
[xy] [xy] [xy] [xy]
[xy] [xy] [xy] [xy]
[xy] [xy] [xy] [xy]
(and wei'ls so much fun:) about 16:9 * * square pixels:
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
I know your program is not, so I can not tell you what setting you need to 1080i with 'non-square pixels' (ie, 16:9) or to correct single.
Also, some players sometimes a quirk and not give the correct or the import into the NLE will not be recognized correctly or you need the outset of a "16:9" Project (irrespective of the resolution) to create, before the films 1440x1080 importierst so that the right is shown.
Antwort von TheBubble:

Hello board driver
Give the finished film but first in 50i HDV (1440x1080) and from then convert in a second step in any other format, you still need. This could be you are a new HDV 50i Project create the finished movie as a single clip in the timeline and then set with the required settings (resolution, file format, ...) to export.
For both resolutions, 1440x1080 and 1280x720 (for the second do you not sure 1280 and 1080 pixels in width), is depicted in the film aspect ratio 16:9, but the 1440 Resolutionverwendet rectangular pixels (the 1:33 times as wide as high) while the 1280x720er Resolutionquadratische pixels.
A quasi should Slowmotion 50i source material with 50% playback speed s.wenigsten bucking, since this field from each frame is 25fps but still sufficient to represent unnecessary movements.