Frage von lks:
Hello dear forum members,
I first want to apologize for the brash title of this thread. I would not write such a thing if it was not really important.
I work at the moment s.einem school project, a Canon MV630i had fully with film footage and dubbing of this must now somehow on my calculator to cut it into a video.
I have, because of the camera is loaned to the school, no drivers or instructions for the camera.
But unfortunately I do not know how can I connect the camera s.meinen Calculator to dub the video material. A FireWire cable I have, but unfortunately, my calculator does not have a FireWire port. If necessary, I'll buy a FireWire card.
Now my question:
Is there another way to get the footage of the camera on my calculator too?
And if so, how? Drivers for the camcorder are available on the Canon Page incidentally, not merely different Programs.
Please help me! It is urgent! : \
Antwort von Markus:

Here you find all necessary information:
FireWire FAQ">Camcorder / recorder s.PC connect, capture and edit images
Antwort von lks:
Here you find all necessary information:
FireWire FAQ">Camcorder / recorder s.PC connect, capture and edit images Thank you for the very quick response, Mark. :)
The only problem is that I do not have FireWire interface. Either I'm going to buy a corresponding s.Montag FireWire card or take, but the laptop of a friend ... [thinking aloud] Then, although I could not begin tomorrow with the cutting, but no preference. [/ loud] thought; D
Antwort von Markus:
Either I'm going to buy a corresponding s.Montag FireWire card or take, but the laptop of a friend ... That's right. ;-)