Frage von errox:
First I would like to get rid of that I am very competent and a lot of interesting discussions have followed. Tolles Forum / Page.
Unfortunately I have no direct comparison of the Canon XH A1 against SonyHVR Z1 read / found.
According to my information the A1 speaks to me. Many controls, good sharpness, 1 / 3 "CCD, fast work with Aperture possible. However, I am synonymous noticed some shortcomings, such as the Vertigo Nichtausführbarkeit effect and the chromatic aberration in the wide area.
I have no great practical experience with both HDV devices. However, the Z1 in that unit, which I mentioned before in this area was perceived.
Thus, a competent counter-position to help me.
My choice is indirectly already fallen to the A1.
What do you this? I am a media technology student and shooting short films and music videos in projects. Moreover, I will in the future image and nature films.
Than the A1 start a good choice or are there alternatives (especially Z1)?
Thanks in advance for the response,
Mfg Nico
Antwort von clipaward:

The best is when you ask your mom what you should take
Antwort von Alex.A:

face a similar decision, I stood synonymous, except instead of the Z1, the FX1 in conversation ..
Here is the corresponding contribution:
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... According to my information the A1 speaks for me ... 1 / 3 "CCD ... After location of the things you would probably be happy with both cameras, with the Z1, incidentally also 1 / 3 "CCD has. My great advantage is the 50/60Hz-Umschaltbarkeit (PAL / NTSC), but if you do not need, it is worth The surcharge for the Sony Probably not.
... I have no great practical experience with both HDV devices ... Before such an investment, I would both at least one day in practice, try: XH-A1 and Z1 should hire a good camera to get his. What will help you better, for example, technical data, if you simply can not handle the lies? After comparing your personal practice, you see more clearly determined.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von errox:

Thanks for the quick answers!
As a next action, I will probably times the devices are in practical operation test.
Are there subjective criticisms of the two devices?
I do not NTSC. If this is the only objective advantage for 1000 ¬ extra cost, apart of the handling, my decision is still next to A1.
Antwort von clipaward:

My clearer Tip: In this price segment, the A1 is really the best thing you can get. Class sharpness and CA are really not so tragic. The Schmonzes that they're oh so hard to use, you can safely ignore. Once a reasonable set presets and then go.
Did it myself for training / study bought and never regretted it. It can get as opposed to an ever-Z1 is still rather new device, with higher performance and sharpness of the same "prof." As XLR connectors etc - and all at a much lower price.
And quite incidentally, apart from the fact that Vertigo is the only effect can be usefully rarest and especially seriously only together with a reasonable Focuspuller, Dolly etc can be implemented, has your school / college certainly synonymous Rental Equipment for this rare event. Do me before I buy this kind of crazy because synonymous made. All rubbish - buy!
Antwort von errox:

The ja mal ne Ansage! Thanks for the response.
Antwort von herdt1:

I am happy with praise for the A1. The Z1, I have 2 years for my work and am set up with its never really been happy, especially the manual exposure always proved a problem. It also includes Picture in Comparison to the A1 much more noise in space. The A1 Lens has a lower depth of what I want of the film look a lot closer. Alss the A1 is better in handling, offering more control, better film has the look, a sharper picture and finer colors.
Antwort von targi:

would say the z1 is rather closely for the mission to use, or for everything must go fast.
for other things rather then a1, because you usually need a little bit in order to set reasonable
Antwort von errox:

Last week I worked with the Z1. Has surprised me is the very easy handling and the function to save settings of 2 with White Balance, Focal, Focus. However, I have the sharpness and color is not yet convincing. Plus point was synonymous to zoom and focus with no problems which can be used in parallel.
Will the next shooting continue to work with the Z1 (have), but I think that I decide to A1, because I lack the function Progressivaufnahmen has very disturbed.
Antwort von Taner59:

Hello zusammne,
I will soon be my old camera SonyVX 2000 Sale and my new growth.
Among the new models Z1 or A1 I do not know exactly how it is with the light.
In the VX2000, I could easily be synonymous with no external light good record.
What would you recommend?
Antwort von r.p.television:

In the VX2000, I could easily be synonymous with no external light good record.
What would you recommend? The statement "without good light" is always relative. Certainly you can with the VX2000-Lowlight even better results than with an A1 or FX1/Z1. But whether the whole looks really good, I doubt it.
Head light or other illumination is s.einem some Luxwert simple duty.
The A1 is s.sich really light, but this is the electronic gain or the gain in Sony's getting better, which is reflected in the final lift.
The Picture Sonyhat a quieter, but less sharp.
The Canon grieselt to gain much faster (because of the higher Resolutionbei the same target area), but it offers much more and especially natural contour sharpness without amplification.