Frage von King Dingeling:
I had been a JVC but it's been broken for some time and the repair is not worth it anymore. Am now in search of a new, but do not know me very well aus.Ich'm a Canon XM1 / 2, or a SonyVX2100 to buy (the 2100 because I am the "REC / STOP" - button on the upper handle need for sports), using my Sony Almost too expensive.
Kann mir da jemand n hot tip give what is given is worth more? Or maybe someone knows ja noch ne ähnicher with other qualified?
Antwort von xandix:

take the XM2, if you the Sonyzu expensive.
Have yourself one, am very happy and quite often with the material collected VX cut ....
The XM2 is synonymous a "REC / Stop - button s.Griff.
Very good picture quality, similar SonyVX.
The MX1 I would advise you, is very old, the picture has not ...
Antwort von Johannes:
The XM1, I would advise you, is very old, the picture has not ...
gruss Since I have so smooth times contradict the so Quallie. between XM1, XM2 and XL1S is minimal. All 3 cameras have a button s.Griff Rec.
The XM2 is the only one of the design and is inherently superior (for me)
better in the hand. Also you can s.ihr the manual sound levels.
Personally, I recommend the Sonyvx2100/2000 they are ideal for little.
Do you have a price?
Antwort von King Dingeling:

me time to look at ebay to as the Canon XM2 is usually between 1000 & 1500 ¬ away, which usually only SonyVX2100 ¬ s.1500. And since I have a good synonymous Fish eye needs, I wanted the camera around 1300 ¬ to interpret.
Apropo Fish eye, I was the MarkII of Optics Century recommended that the good pieces on ebay will cost 500 eggs. Is there perhaps something similar to what is 1-2 ¬ cheaper?
Antwort von Commanderjanke:

Hello schonmal on a vx1000 thought? synonymous makes very good pictures and is cheaper. because you still had enough money for a fisheye. my own here in the forum for 800 ¬ for sale. woher comest thou? you could check the cam so a look at yourself and convince is always s.besten. sell them to me the only successor to fetch, since the vx2000 light is stronger.
Antwort von Markus:
... ever have a vx1000 thought? This does not display what I personally do not want to miss.
Antwort von w4lk:

maybe see you time a vx-2000 uses a s.and LANC control, which you attach the top s.hangriff. I work so for seven years and had the great World Cup in 2006 and quickly realized recordings. note that it is still not affordable for us cam exist, the approximate these properties has lowlight. sometimes is priceless.
Cast kroky
Antwort von schafred:

Movies I have been 5 years with this cam, easy class, I can only say. The only drawback: Poor display resolution.
Am sure that after the Canon SONY ideas will not sleep and a few hot cams will bring out soon.
Liebe Grüsse
Antwort von eLmUnDo_PrOdUcTiOnS:
Hello schonmal on a vx1000 thought? synonymous makes very good pictures and is cheaper. because you still had enough money for a fisheye. my own here in the forum for 800 ¬ for sale. woher comest thou? you could check the cam so a look at yourself and convince is always s.besten. sell them to me the only successor to fetch, since the vx2000 light is stronger.
micha Interest s.nem MK II?
Then meld dich doch mal bei mir.