Frage von Nonac:ola seniores,
... googled for half an hour and nüscht found. I am looking for a suitable canon xl2 bag, so no case or suitcase. please someone has time for a manufacturer tip or link?
Antwort von Markus:
look at the times
Antwort von martha:
Hi! I am looking for a bag XM2 (s.liebsten a backpack), where synonymous accessories like a little something goes in! If you were looking for, let 'me know. lg aus Wien!
Antwort von Nio:
Backpacks, I do not know if there are such things. But in pockets, I can tell you recommend the company Cullmann, I am really happy with my bag, great processing, 3 (?) Years and still Pltz for accessories - Up to the Microphone, they would have to 2 cm (!) Be longer . The bags tightly, even in the tropics.
Antwort von Prohamburg:
more ideas you have, where I have a bag for my Canon XL1 / (XL2 get her. A backpack would be the hit.
My lovely camera takes a portable home:)
Antwort von Lichtler:
Xl2 bag:
Find the link should not go (portabrace. ...) Dan ma to CO-PC.
XM2 bag:
same game: DVO-2U
Backpack for both:
Trakker AW II Lowepro Photo
Since the XM2 with accessories will easily fit in, and the XL1 without accessories synonymous. With accessories abbaun must be in the XL1 viewfinder, however, and Microsystems. Dan is the synonymous easy. XL2 is halt ne nochma number larger ... no clue as pointed looks. But the backpack is for the XM2 Top kannste but cramming a lot of accessories, then ... evtl nen smaller Lowepro.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Canon XL1 for my backpack ... Look beyond those already mentioned manufacturers synonymous the backpacks of petrol or Kata on. There are some that are suitable for the XL series.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von utan:
Petrol I can recommend, great quality at a good price, got one for my XL1.