Frage von Tong-Len:
I am working now has long been synonymous with the legal side of film making. But on this particular subject we find almost no information ... Here I hope a few people can tell from personal experience about it.
It is a DVD produced with eg 50% of commercial music (license of right must first be obtained from the record companies ...)
These are sold in Europe (focus on Germany) and of another place in the USA, worldwide.
yes it is everywhere ala societies gema, SDRM, MCPS etc ... confederations, CISAC, GESAC, EVA, etc. ..
With whom should we pay for now? eg if you have the DVD of Germany made synonymous sold in England on the British collecting society to handle that, or everything about gema or through an umbrella organization ... ?
if you had to pay fees for every single collecting society to make appropriate, one would be so mad with organizational effort ... !
How it looks from the sale directly to the U.S.? RIAA?
gruß beautiful and hope to help:)
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Why do not you ask the PRS? Should know this well.
Antwort von steveb:

I would make a pure German production, which allows the artists a manageable payroll and then export the DVD's.
Then everybody would get their "German GEMAgebühren. This is not really fair. However, unfortunately I do not know how the code will just work with the LC. Therefore we must nachhaken in GVL. The LC code regulates the settlement of "airplay" zb