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Unfortunately I could not in the search for my problem. Maybe I just synonymous terms entered the wrong .. Mea Culpa
In each instance here, I hope you have some good tips to get.
Üblcih If it is in a (still not found) "Hallo ich bins board" to present, I will of course still nachhohlen.
So much for my ramblings ;-) persönlcihen, now for my personal technical problem:
I have my recordings with its Fingercam on / on SonyTVR720 made.
Then with Ulead Mediastudio6.5 DC captured (as. Avi) and processed and cut.
After an AVI created by the whole project and with NeroVision burned to DVD, Voila, schee wars.
Now have a ChaseCamPDR100 and the power. Mpg files.
If I had then as Ulead with MS and cut an AVI save / build, with NeroVision DVD of this. Avi and then burn s.TV Watching NEN get loose dachshund.
In all the scenes in which rapid movements are jerky, like wild.
And that comes with motorcycle rides SOMETHING happens frequently that fast movements are in the Picture.
I already have with "Vollbildbasiert", "Field Order A or B" and save as. Mpg experimenting.
It wobbles, despite everything s.Television.
Who has a tip for me, so the risk of eye muscles is diminished?
Thanks and greetings
Antwort von Axel:

You can use the material but "untreated" play, and there's no jerky?
Then, the solution is to Mpeg2 for cutting to another codec in the same frame size and frequency to convert. I'm not a PC man, but I think "super" can do it. So far you have with your NLE, the material of your Pal DV Cam worked, apparently without problems. Now we should know what you are here to do. NTSC? Would not a tragedy, each DVD player comes in so clear. Jerkiness can eg on a false show framerate. Open the original material with a player, and let you show its properties.
Antwort von andygixxer:

Hi Axel.
Thank you for your reply.
But I think that I do not properly or clearly described:
Jerky It always just there, where movements are fast.
Zb If trees s.Bildrand entlanghuschen (motorcycle tour).
The slow areas (center) are in order.
I voted yesterday evening times a scene with different settings edited. And if I DO NOT have compression set were moving scenes on the DVD when playing s.TV in order, no order of preference whether box A or B or full screen. As soon as I any Compression (DV1, DV2 IntelIndeo) zuckelten had taken the field again.
The video store but WITHOUT Compression brings 45Minuten for scarce 100GB (hundred gigabytes) -> does not!
Antwort von andygixxer:

Has no one other tip for me?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Schick doch mal NEN link your new cam, I'm almost sure that it is un s.der not s.dem MPG.
The Fingercam speisste the shots in the (tank -) are backpacking Cam?
Where Was the Fingercam attached? (Helmet / frame)
Poste times the link to the new cam.
Then let
B. DeKid