Frage von Rogurt:
Hallo ihr Lieben,
I CleanerXL win with a huge problem. After I was absolutely convinced that there can be no s.diesem highly professional program, I have endless getweakt parameters except I made more out of curiosity encoding the same input with the same parameters from PremierePro2.0. Everything that I've made for Cleaner has a more or less distinct jerking shown (the CPU is bored) at 6% utilization. The same encoding via Premiere 1a produces material ...
I contain old synonymous testhalber my old cleaner 5th Same result synonymous () on another Calculator. What is going on?
Antwort von Rogurt:

So I think I am now a bit smarter at this point. Cleaner has problems with uncompressed footage as it seems. I fed him, image sequences, only after which time the forest was silent (during Cleaner s.einer preview version expected). Then I imported an uncompressed AVI. He takes any problems, but any output jerky as I said ...
Precompressed footage appears to work properly. But as we know from Slashcam Coding Course: Garbage in Garbage out!