Frage von 23eins:
Good morning,
I would like to take before the main menu some 8sec Cilp the show every time the DVD is inserted is shown before the main menu is displayed. Now you can use the clip so as Timlin simple flow chart in front of the Main Menu pull, but how can I adjust during this clip is not possible is the "next chapter" - button to press and so the menu to arrive in about the same way as you DVDs of the industry knows where s.Anfang the studio and the copyright warnings shown ..
I'm thankful for every tip
Antwort von hansreinhard:
Good morning,
I would like to take before the main menu some 8sec Cilp the show every time the DVD is inserted is shown before the main menu is displayed. Now you can use the clip so as Timlin simple flow chart in front of the Main Menu pull, but how can I adjust during this clip is not possible is the "next chapter" - button to press and so the menu to arrive in about the same way as you DVDs of the industry knows where s.Anfang the studio and the copyright warnings shown ..
I'm thankful for every tip
23eins hi, ich kenn encoreDVD unfortunately not, but I think it would have on the properties of your intros (title settings) set to control what functions are allowed or what buttons to trigger the action.
gruß, hans
Antwort von olipool:

you choose the reiter timelines and then choose the appropriate timeline, which s.anfang to be played. on the right side stands for properties including "operations: all permitted". with the button "set" it, you can allow everything or nothing or individually specify what should be allowed ( "custom")
Antwort von Jörg:

right click on the timeline in the Project window> as the first play set.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von olipool:

I fall to another: times rat who finds everything good that the second or third time watching something can not skip ...
not everything is good, what is commercial and should simply be copied. clear in the case of copyright indicates something is probably inevitable, but if you preload NEN great ... if you made it great is it to see if you do not want you angry, if man can not skip.
Antwort von 23eins:

It's really just about the copyright notice that this shows on every boot and will not be skipped and the 6sec each handle. When egentlichen Intro should be sufficient to allow this to uberspringen.
Antwort von lc-kjh:
It's really just about the copyright notice that this shows on every boot and will not be skipped and the 6sec each handle. When egentlichen Intro should be sufficient to allow this to uberspringen.
23eins Hello.
This is actually quite simple. Take the clip COPYRIGHT and unpack it into a new editing window. This cut window then you lay the first notes play (right mouse click on this selection in the Project window). Then you have to actually cut this window only the rights to assign or lock. This goes in the window below Arbeitsberecih ACTIONS / SETTINGS (button). Then the work.