Frage von Nobby_03:
have a huge problem and urgently need your help!
I have cut many clips in Premiere Pro, on the basis of mini-DV. This I then output via the encoder as an m2v file, without sound! However, since this format is nowhere supported, I opened the clips in Media Player and "save as. Mpg, done! These films are now on CD in an HTML page and run be called by link.
By my calculator that works wonderfully but in all other Calculator probably missing a codec? What can I do that the movies run everywhere??
Antwort von steveb:

synonymous if you postet it again s.einer elsewhere, you will not get more answers. Please do not double posts.
Dear mods, please merge ...
And if you are using the forum search you would have found it ... eg
Antwort von Stefan:

You have encoded the videos to MPEG
2nd It is counterproductive for display on web pages, and MPEG2 Codeclosem audience ;-)
You should simplify the video to MPEG
1 ( "encode VideoCD). A MPEG1 codec, the majority Calculator (operating systems) s.Bord.
Good luck
The thick Stefan
Antwort von Stefan: =