Frage von Rodriguez:
Hi folks!
I am recently with AE apart and I have a bunch of questions.
how can I get my video footage, like the images:
In photoshop the whole time I have the color, and saturation effects in AE but I have no idea how I could make it.
I would like in the footage for some scenes, past flying balls installed, the whole in this style s.minute 2:18:
I think this "line" which I think of the tracer ammunition were caused. these "lines" should be directly to a zufliegen.
I would be grateful for any tip!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Gude times out there can surf bzggl. AE highly recommended ..
color, and saturation effects AE because look at F1 after ;-) If you do that in PS can be already in the AE is not so hard ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Rodriguez:

many thanks for the link, which is great! werd mich mal ans learn the same make. I have a question yet. this will be the first time that I make such a movie, so "useless" is our equipment. how do I do it with voice recordings? simply a microphone s.die cam? and during the scenes of the actors think?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Yes that's what is always on.
B. DeKid