Frage von DezorianGuy:
If I get my material of HDV tape to PC via games, mostly with Premiere CS3, then you see the videos in a comb at fast movements ..... probably interlaced. No major lines such as with hdvsplit, but smaller.
How I de-interlace the picture as I have before with the demo version of Aspect HD did (which was perfect results, and could de-interlace)?
Antwort von Debonnaire:

As you export options in the "deinterlacing" and "Optimize Stills" (in the German version of the program means to be different) activate.
Muttu in search of online help program of where Adobe has included searching for it by Anwendikus where help needs to issue in program where Anwendikus has purchased of where Adobe has made the program what Anwendikus has a problem ... ;-)
Antwort von DezorianGuy:

Export, yes. Can not you already somehow?
Premiere plays probably only codec free of cassette to pc, so original "interlaced" 1080i ...
What codec is recommended you? No, I ask differently: What do you use yourself in order to get the best Results?
The Cineform codec?
Antwort von jazzy_d:

I do everything natively. During the processing of the combs disturb me not. And then when exporting to MPEG2, WMV-HD or H.264 halt deinterlace or "assembly" or halt to interlaced.
Antwort von DezorianGuy:

Thank you:)
h264 get so well on the Internet for free?
If the premiere of then directly detected?
What is with wmv hd? Equally?
Antwort von jazzy_d:

H.264 and WMV-HD are "distribution-format (if you're not in AVCHD recording). But you write so of HDV. So take your HDV in Premiere clean, working order and then export as an mpeg2, as WMV-HD or H.264.
Antwort von DezorianGuy:

My Software: Premiere CS3, Core Codec pro, GomPlayer
Hmm ... I would like to encode in h.264, as this of you and the rest of the world is appreciated.
In Premiere CS3, export, Media Encoder, H.264 - I just get the video size of approximately 200x144, ipod, mp4 format.
When I choose H.264 Bluray, I get in all the important controls such as 1440x1080, etc ...
If, however, I would like to play the file, I notice that it is a m4v file and applies a small wave file ...
The video plays in slow motion (and without sound, sound into separate wave .. why?)
What am I doing just wrong: \?
What I want: My m2t video into an H.264 Avi (or what is synonymous) convert.
Antwort von weitwinkel:

remains to ask what you s.ende with the material before you converted?
gruß cj
Antwort von DezorianGuy:

For the FamilienBluray.
And how to create some encoders it 720p/1080p Blurayfilme at 4.5 / 6 GB for ripping and optical nachzustehen nothing?
Well, ... how does it encode into h.264, or are there other solutions?
Antwort von DezorianGuy:

For the FamilienBluray.
And how to create some encoders it 720p/1080p Blurayfilme at 4.5 / 6 GB for ripping and optical nachzustehen nothing?
Well, ... how does it encode into h.264, or are there other solutions?