Frage von bokii:
For some time now, I browse through this forum and would like to be, many times for the info I've found so far thanks. Merci much.
With deals with the following: I am planning to produce a commercial DVD (Special Interest DVD information).
We will either Ltd or establish a limited company.
The distribution which we wish to keep us on and organize their own homepage.
The objective is for the first year between 1000 and 3000 discs for sale.
What (I know that this is an almost epic response), I must look out for?
1. Gema in general, I am somewhat informed (Tariff VR BT H 3)
But someone knows about how much the royalties fail, when we say the experimental music from the film "The Island" of Steve Jablonský (Warner Chapelle) to use?
2. How does it work with the FSC? Where I send the finished master to control me and saying: Ok! Can you sell! ?
3. Can I use the DVD logo on the DVD print, or does it read DVD-Video?
4. etc. pp.
Antwort von Nick, der:

Also, FSC is not required but recommended if it is really later in the shop should be. If only unfortunately sau Expensive. For us it was therefore not in question. You need to know if you want the price is worth.
An EAN code is synonymous to recommend for the inventory control system ... then you can ever find anywhere!
The license for the DVD logo have actually mostly stamping. Ask s.besten once the factory.
So, wish you much success with the DVD!
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

... for FSK: [/ url ">
Question royalties for the music: you can only reliably GEMA answer. Denk s.die permission of the copyright holder for use as a "soundtrack" :-)
DVD Logo: this should actually Preßwerk can be clarified, but:
[quote = "[url =] DVD Forum"] Please refer to APPENDIX 1 of the License Application form to determine which license is required. As the license fee is U.S.
$ 10,000 by Format / Product Category, the invoiced amount for the license will be s.follows: [/ quote]
Let the logo simply gone :-)
Antwort von Nick, der:

The logo you need to omit deffinitiv not when you go to a stamping plant, which is authorized. As far as I know is that almost any reasonably large stamping.
Demands worthwhile.
Antwort von Eggerd:

Hello bokii oT
You are now your first post in the forum after you have well-long here.
- I am planning to produce a commercial DVD with slices from 1000 to 3000 .-
Good luck, but I do not think it works out. All we deal with this video but the least you can live like this. Many of those here for the first male to post asking how to make films for television can sell. Actually this is quite simple. Getting the quality of professionals (eg animal Filmer BBC) I faced the hat and a detachable Knicks do. Take me, please do not crooked. I'm not as toxic as it sounds and do not know your productions. Set times a link. I am working with video since 1994 as a hobby and that makes me fun and brings quality of life. 3000 slices synonymous, I would like to sell but I've done yet. Do I support safe as an electrician.
mfG Eggerder
Antwort von AndyZZ:

He writes so Special Interest DVD. I think that he has informed beforehand as to whether the number of slices losbringt. What synonymous always "special interest" is, I think he has a good chance.
Antwort von urmel:

I write for several years, synopses, treatments and screenplays for television and cut, and Verton texte pieces synonymous.
I live like this, but also wants a production company to make the legs. As part of this research, I recently encountered Slashcam.
Editorial I'm fit, production technology has not yet ..
If, however.
Antwort von bokii:

'tschuldigt was not logged.
Antwort von Timson:

Hello everybody!
Bin synonymous in search of information on commercial production of DVDs. Have I been synonymous extent informed. One thing is for me, however, still not entirely clear, perhaps someone can give me so give a hint.
Wants to produce 500 DVDs, video footage is of me, can I get music of young bands from my region.
Since I am only 500 will produce DVDs, I'll probably create at home. The DVDs will be on an Internet shop sells a well-known.
My question: Do I need to notify the GEMA? How is that with the right of reproduction?
Thanks in advance!
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

let you in writing of the tape assure that they are not a member of GEMA are and that consequently their Mucke GEMA-free. Note in this guy to show is probably useful.
(= Number of bands each written consent!)
Let synonymous you the rights to use on your DVD and look at the clauses relating to the revocation of those rights. If the rights will be revoked and you have a few hundred have not yet delivered s.den retail DVDs einstampfen ... perhaps there is somewhere in the network model contracts?
(In case of doubt, as always, legal advice is cheaper than before after)
Worked for the tape without a fee? Or, depending on the sale of a percentage s.den DVDs? Defines exactly how settled, when, etc., there is controversy, only to coal.
If the musicians, however, the GEMA are registered ... times then throw in the search engine forum, this is actually already said everything.
Antwort von Timson:

Hello Andreas.
Ok, thanks for the tips.
The fact that the band is not a member of GEMA may be, I am clear. Even I, a film production rights of the bands need.
The bands are partially relatives and good friends, if I mention them in the credits, is that they onHatte but I synonymous with those already discussed.
What is still unclear to me, I must GEMA copying Report? I will produce DVDs in home, so no stamping, which may be a letter from GEMA, etc. required.
Many greetings!
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

The fact that the band is not a member of GEMA may be, I am clear. Oh no, they must! Only ... Your production will be slightly more expensive and cumbersome :-)))
The GEMA, strictly speaking, you need
not be notified. I have already read a post by which it will be useful if you like the quoted statements attach a copy. Since the GEMA (allegedly) make test purchases synonymous and (secure knowledge) synonymous concerts attended, would be a step to not have any bööösen thought to arise.
All this applies only if his own compositions (right or
freedom) to be played. If there was from the current Top Ten nachgehupt, this is something else again.
Antwort von Timson:

The fact that the band is not a member of GEMA may be, I am clear.
Oh no, they must! Only ... Your production will be slightly more expensive and cumbersome :-)))
Sure, had expressed myself wrong. As the whole incidentally is running as a hobby would be a contact with the GEMA, it was previously, with some Schreibkram or, worse, worse afterwards with irgenwechlche on the rights violated, I had made for my little project.
Document times when GEMA call and ask. Have read somewhere that when you film with music on DVD burning, and they want to sell, (if synonymous GEMA-free music has been used) GEMA is to inform. If in any case worse in retrospect avoid.
Thank you for your help!
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
If in any case worse in retrospect avoid. If yes synonymous cheaper ...
So somewhere in the forum here is with the "write despite GEMA-free music", I find not only the thread: - /