Frage von abschlussfilm:
Here's an interesting comparison of the three main HDV camcorder, if not synonymous merh a whole new way. Unfortunately, without a Panasonic HVX 200th
It is synonymous to inter-and intra-frame compression, and thus synonymous to HDV vs DVC Pro HD. That is why the Comparison synonymous for HVX 200 users interesting ...
Antwort von asa:

because what I've missed or is this just a cheap publicity stunt by the people on your rental website to attract?
Antwort von abschlussfilm:

True, you should see the comparison.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Here's an interesting comparison ... Where is the link to this comparison?
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von abschlussfilm:

Ok, sorry, I thought the comparison would be with has been uploaded. Should actually be synonymous.
On the Start Page I have now set a link, where you can download the whole.
It is mainly HDV with a view to a 35mm-date.
Antwort von Dill:

... what now goes to a final is always a surprise.
Actually there would have been enough, the brochure pages stapled together.
Antwort von Markus:
... I thought the comparison would be with has been uploaded. Unannounced guests can not see the attachment.