Frage von Moritzk:
Hello dear Forum
I want to squeeze about 300-500 DVD's, print the cover and can print on the DVD, in addition to covering all ready to be inserted into a DVD and can be packaged in foil.
I looked around me in the last few days and found a very interesting offer:
can anyone know this company and say something about the quality?
Where you let your produce DVD's? Do you know of better deals?
Regards and Thanks in advance for answers
Antwort von Pianist:

500 is the minimum support when pressing plant. At 300 would have one of the many vendors with internal robot in question. I can make my large DVD editions always with Docdata. There are many other synonymous. The medium of DVD is now done for me rather, my customers want more and more high-resolution files on USB flash drives.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Moin Moritz,
I know the company does not always have DVDs (; DVD-R) can be copied here:
Have a good work delivered, paid for itself when you print with DVD and would like to have cover.
Otherwise, there is now widespread in the larger cities next film laboratories, which offer cheap Prices.
Otherwise you can indeed tell of your experience when you can have produce there. Best regards,
Antwort von MountainDew:

If you have a pressed DVD-Video you should
not there now. In your offer, there is only
burned DVDs.
I have very good experience with this company:
Antwort von Moritzk:

Is there a qualitative difference between pressed and burned? What is the difference?
Antwort von Moritzk:
Have a good work delivered, paid for itself when you print with DVD and would like to have cover.
Sounds good! I would like to have everything complete! So a pre-packed DVD with DVD case, cover and all Chellopaniert.
The page looks good if somewhat synonymous with each other.
Somehow I've found there's not the right one.
What have you been so bought and paid for?
Why did you write that it is profitable when the DVD and printed with Cover buys?
The "Specials" is quite good offers, but somehow that always seems as if the DVD's were empty and then I burn the stuff on it must ... right?
Antwort von domain:
Is there a qualitative difference between pressed and burned? What is the difference? To my knowledge, there a huge difference. When burned DVDs binary information is effectively melted only in wax, which then has only the tendency to smooth out again until early Unlerserlichkeit.
Pressed DVDs are more like set in stone and have a much longer life.
The two technologies are actually not comparable.
Antwort von Moritzk:

But what is on the disc, but is the same as in the pressed or when the fired ... so the quality of her views?
Is then a kind of "customer service" with the press, because the customer can take the DVD through the area more :-)
Antwort von MountainDew:

The "quality" of the data is in effect for two, burned or pressed, the same as there is no difference. When pressed, the data on it is keeping hold longer than in the burned version. Furthermore, the customer is looking forward to a compressed version, I believe much more than about a burned (;'s just more professional). When burned always the feeling comes over, just that the home was crafted quickly, ie are self-made. Is probably s.Ende eh s.price all the burned are just less expensive to produce.
Antwort von DWUA:
since u been so bought and paid for?
Why did you write that it is profitable when the DVD and printed with Cover buys?
The "Specials" is quite good offers, but somehow that always seems as if the DVD's were empty and then I burn the stuff on it must ... right?
lg And how do you imagine the "disposal problem" before?
Antwort von DWUA:

@ Domain,
have spoken well, because you bells (cast) of Moses practices
differentiate know.
Antwort von Pianist:
Pressed DVDs are more like set in stone and have a much longer life. Good Comparison. Specifically, it works like that, first a glass master is made, the part will cost quite a lot of money and is included in most extrusion plants s.einer certain number of copies at no extra cost. This glass master is the "positive", that is identical with the later DVD, and a trial can be read. Of these negatives are then produced as a "stamp", against the then hot polycarbonate lenses are pressed. A DVD-5 is the information in the lower disk, it will then be coated with metal and glued an information-free upper disk. Then you have the finished DVD, the nature of the change is not synonymous for decades. So this is a high-precision production line under clean room conditions. This is followed by printing, as the discs go through each screen printing machines, one for each color. So all highly automated, there are orders for 500 or 5,000 more small orders that are miterledigt between.
Antwort von Bernd E.:

Corrected me if it was not to vote, but I have time to be told that the famous compatibility issues - runs on one DVD player but not the other - practically occur only when burned discs and not pressed. That alone for me would have a reason to rely on the professional procedures.
Antwort von Pianist:
Corrected me if it was not to vote, but I have time to be told that the famous compatibility issues - runs on one DVD player but not the other - practically occur only when burned discs and not pressed. That alone for me would have a reason to rely on the professional procedures. Yes, this is so. Is always less common, but remains true. However, it would most certainly make sense to produce a glass master, to make of it then 25 DVDs ...
Antwort von ruessel:
've Had bad luck there twice in a row, 2x DVD edition (and the revised edition was synonymous not supposed NTSC) for the trash can (; apparently no quality control), customer + I pissed pressing plant changed (; marcon).
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Thanks for the info on DVD copying works there are quite a difference and because it is always interesting to hear testimonials.
With a circulation of about 1000-2000 pieces could pay off the presses. Including copies you usually only. DVD-R run on
almost all players. But there are synonymous older DVD player, which does not run on these DVDs. Important: Master should be a DVD-R. For all other formats, there are many more problems.
Depending on the agreement, the data can be synonymous but delivered as DVD files digitally, eg on hard drive, USB stick, etc. via Internet
The DVDs will be in small quantities, certainly
not in offset printing, but digital. Here there are fundamental differences: Digital print is on a limited supply much better. There is also the case of color gradients no "shades" which makes it easier for the layman to create a DVD cover that looks in print clean.
Still, let you and send you a proof check everything. Best regards,
Antwort von ruessel:

Good works do s.einer copy edition of 300 pieces a glass master for pressing for free.
Antwort von Pianist:
Good works do s.einer copy edition of 300 pieces a glass master for pressing for free. Would you perhaps consider this sentence again? Therefore the following thoughts: The most pressing plants have a minimum circulation of 500 copies. And a glass master is not a "supplement" because it is so technically can not do without, but this is a necessary step, which can eject either visible or brings the total cost. So it can go just about how to put together the various items imputed. Whether a stamping plant at 500 pieces to create the glass master and distinguishes these extra costs s.2.000 piece removed or if a stamping plant says it has been producing 300 DVDs at no cost to the glass master, which is completely s.sich no preference, because ultimately only the total (; and the resulting unit price) is one.
A pressing plant is perhaps synonymous you press a single DVD, this disc will cost just 2,000 EUR.
Antwort von bgk:

Hi Moritz,
depending on the edition you could possibly synonymous with
We have there a few times CDs, CD-ROMs and DVDs have copy already and with service and price were always quite happy.
Antwort von ruessel:
Would you perhaps consider this sentence again? No. I just wanted to say that that piece of s.300 proper pressure with glass master is made, the price is cheaper than the 300 firing.
Antwort von High_Tension:

We always order something at Cube Media in Munich.
The make you for all you want, a complete package, are very fast, NEN good service and have to my knowledge synonymous quite favorable. And no, I do not work for:)
If interested, just google.
Antwort von Pianist:
I just wanted to say that that piece of s.300 proper pressure with glass master is made, the price is cheaper than the 300 firing. So at 300, it should go just yet in favor of the distillery, s.500 s.sich is the pressure to be preferred. Can become synonymous but have moved down. As is the same as always: Compare Prices and eyes.
Antwort von Moritzk:

Thank you for the many replies! With such a response I would have expected to be at the this subject :-)
Have just once a trial basis to see my current project with some meaningless menu to burn a dvd how it looks ... and to be honest I was really scared of the quality, because you damn bad thing! The picture was just pale and without seasoning. Why is that?
Have ne AVi file in Magix Video Pro X and thrown Create DVD clicked ... it was s.umkodieren of Magix Video Pro X? ... How do you bring your raw data with the best quality on the 4.7 GB blank?
And if we're at it-> Which program you can create Eko Meble DVD menu's?
Best regards,
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

We speak here of ordinary DVDs or even synonymous BluRays?
I work with Encore is, however, because it synonymous here and there problems. Professional DVD menus are so but doable, especially in combination with AfterFX (& Photoshop).
There are external encoder, you create a very good mpeg-file, especially of Canopus. Those who can not afford something, it must rely on freeware or export with the editing program. The results were of first for the normal "Home Video" area always very satisfactory. For larger productions, I have the videos can be hardware-encode.
Antwort von Moritzk:

Really I could not decide!
If I 500 can produce DVD's, then these are for me looks really too much again, but pressed is somehow better than copies ... but as I have said Erlich no idea of how far there is a difference.
For me reach 300 DVD's, but this is at a pressure then again right price intensive and the budget is for me, unfortunately, quite important.
So what now? ... Necessarily synonymous presses or copy okay?
Antwort von Pianist:
So what now? ... Necessarily synonymous presses or copy okay? Is synonymous ok ... :-)
Antwort von Manuell:

so I create my DVDs with Adobe Encore and then burn it yourself to all-white printable Verbatim-R, which I then printed with a Canon printer. This is already a very professional result and is less expensive, but very zeitaufwending synonymous.
Antwort von thsbln:
so I create my DVDs with Adobe Encore and then burn it yourself to all-white printable Verbatim-R, which I then printed with a Canon printer. This is already a very professional result and is less expensive, but very zeitaufwending synonymous. May I here once with a question s.Dich and engage all other self-producing?
What are the blanks, the full type name, because you work nd there has been negative feedback?
I happen to have in the top 20 DVD's already had two failures: first the film broke after 10 minutes from On a Mac (; next copy was the same blank) - and now blocks a DVD an expensive BluRay player (, more info I do not at the moment unfortunately).
As blanks I am using right now, because of their semi-gloss surface of them here: AquaLock DVD-R Inkjet printable Glossy waterproof 4.7 GB/120Min./16x
That was probably stupid of me, but I was at the time of nowhere Verbatim printable DVDs with this shiny surface.
I was so happy about experiences and tips. Thank you!
Antwort von Moritzk:

Hy Slashcam Forum
The DVD is now almost finished and I'm lying in the finals trains.
Now my question is what do I need before the release of the DVD or make schedule or anything?
I log on to the DVD of Gema must synonymous if the artist is not registered there, I understand.
How much does it cost for such a declaration?
I will sell the DVD on my home page.
Are there guidelines that must be on the back of the DVD cover?
Thanks for the help!
Antwort von thsbln:

I log on to the DVD of Gema must synonymous if the artist is not registered there, I understand.
Moritz Do you have a receipt for it, link to GEMA Page even better, a court ruling? Or as you say that?
If this is crystal clear, then please excuse my ignorance and enlightens me. Thank you!
Antwort von Pianist:
Do you have a receipt for it, link to GEMA Page even better, a court ruling? Or as you say that? He says the so-called "GEMA presumption". In itself it's enough though, only then to take action when the Gema signed out of him, but he probably knows that the press report of works from the pressures s.die Gema, where he would tell the same parallel that no gemapflichtigen works are reproduced, which is quite reasonable.
Antwort von thsbln:

Aha, thank you!
Antwort von Moritzk:

Exactly :-)
Now a more extensive problem!
I sell the DVD and others. on my homepage, so I need synonymous terms and the sale of the DVD.
I do not like the first turn on a lawyer who sent me the terms and conditions created and s.Ende ne bold statement: - / As I come to terms and a DVD for sale in my store?
Thank you!
Antwort von thsbln:

Moritzk, you have 'ne nice home!
Antwort von Moritzk:

Thank you thank you :-)
But that's not quite finished everything ... the videos are currently being stopped too soon ... but look again over in a few days!
So now back to the T & C's ... where are you from I get?
Antwort von thsbln:

I will,
a look here for terms and conditions:
Antwort von Pianist:
So now back to the T & C's ... where are you from I get? First, it is GTC. For people who do stuff of Terms or Conditions write, you should not buy anything anyway. And second: Who says that you have ever thing? Do you need that is not. Everything is regulated in the Civil Code. You deliver a DVD and the buyer will pay. Synonymous or vice versa, that is no preference. To arrange something like that, you have not set up its own conditions.
Antwort von sebherrmann:

Selling the DVD's but rather on AMAZON, then you hate because no stress with terms and conditions. Because small errors in the terms and conditions can quickly lead to a warning ...
In addition, you have it easier then have to s.Amazon with the shipment and send only one set X to store the items into place and sell it for you. Disadvantage, of course, the synonymous AMAZON will earn what ...