Frage von pinguin1123:
My digital camera records video in Apple QuickTime Movie format (. Mov) to.
The video program may kino but only the DV format capture.
Is there a program with which I am the. Mov files into. Dv files can convert?
Thank you for your info.
Antwort von Marco:

Linux and Video. Two worlds meet ...
By QuicktimePlayerPro should be feasible.
Antwort von Fenek:

Sorenson Squeze may be synonymous
but is not in vain.
Antwort von Debonnaire:
Is there a program with which I am the. Mov files into. Dv files can convert? Do you now (to me unknown) files with the extension. "Dv", or do you want to do movies in MOV DV films (ie ". Avi" files) to convert?
Look at times SUPER 2008. This conversion program does pretty much everything from everything!
Antwort von Marco:

. dv is basically the raw version of the file orginären DV streams without AVI or MOV containers.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

And what's the point?
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
And what's the point? Of freedom due to non-Windows and not Mac, is quite simple!
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Fascinating ...
Go here for a creed, or that there ne real, technical relevance?
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

It's about nothing, or probably just about money.
Antwort von Marco:

One might well ask what it is good, the signal in a container einzupacken if the system without this action synonymous with the video is clear. Why AVI Packaging why MOV, MXF why. There are a few other for DV signals. But if no specific metadata are needed, then synonymous. Dv.
Some systems that is expected. Dv format. Since there is no point about the "why" to discuss.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

If Quicktime is installed, can be synonymous DV video of an apple read.
The other should at least be possible synonymous regarding AVI (any particular has forever safe from a DV-AVI to DV Quicktime Converter have programmed).
". DV" is only usable if synonymous QT on a PC is available.
Thus it is not necessary to this format.