Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Corel Ulead VideoStudio 11 of rudi - 21 May 2007 13:10:00 > Almost simultaneously with its direct competitors Ulead's entry-level software is also AVCHD ready made. But coming back so synonymous serious competitor in the market for 100 euros-cut packages?
Antwort von Georg:
Since the taskbar is always visible, however, If it is established. It does not appear to be autonomous if set.
Antwort von Georg:

Corel soon brings an interesting update for VS out. 11.5 The new version has more support in the HD area.
Antwort von herb2008:

Hi Slashcam.
Video Studio 11 is to install the Undemanding (about 0.5 GB) Program. Already in the network freely available demo version all codecs (synonymous for AVCHD) enabled, allowing interested users to easily become a Picture of the Software Pact can make. "
This is an excerpt from your very nice Artikel.Ich had this demo version synonymous tested and now have the full version. In the demo, unfortunately, is no processing of M2TS video files! To AVCHD files with Ulead Video Studio editing, you need an update that is free of the Ulead website kann.Dieses download update, but can be registered only on the full install, which then "Ulead video studio 11.5 Pros" called!