Frage von nhb:
hallo leute,
says that her computer that is currently in mediemarkt in supply is sufficient for DV editing with programs adobe premiere pro, encore and AFX?
on rat I would be very pleased.
Antwort von Marco:

If you did 10 years ago in Aldi had purchased a laptop that would be already sufficient for DV editing was ...
Antwort von kowi:

For DV editing, yes, but what if you have 1-2 years to HDV or AVCHD want change? Then again a new "mill" is due.
Antwort von Fenek:

Everyone must buy because,
where he is well "understood" feels.
Antwort von Quadruplex:

Apart from the fact that the objects in the greed-is-stupid really rare are favorable: Has the calculator überhaupt 'nen Firewire port? Otherwise:
(No - I do not work for the company ...)
Antwort von darklord77:

The Calculator is not good in my opinion:
The processor is too weak: minimum, I would recommend the e8400. (or higher)
Then is it not what chipset the board is installed. Alone because this information is missing, I would not buy.
Go to a dealer because you will get for the same money more often.