Frage von Pax0r:
I would like an extra calculator to the intersection of HDV have.
Have here in the corner or an old calculator rumstehen and wanted to ask whether it still brings:
- AMD Athlon 2400 + (2 Ghz)
- Geforce 5200
- 80GB - IDE
- 512mb Ram
Bin gespannt ...
Antwort von JMitch:

had the ram to 2GB but then increase, then the fold;)
Antwort von Pax0r:

When I correct Calculator:
AMD Athlon X2 4200 +
Geforce 7900GT
1gb RAM
The running around, right?
Antwort von JMitch:

HDV 2GB should already have! 1GB is already the least in normal DV ...
Antwort von JMitch:

I process with standard DV and 2GB würd me NEN third wish: D
Antwort von Pax0r:

And what data do you have computers?
Antwort von JMitch:

240 SATA
Antwort von Pax0r:

So, my old calculator (top) nothing for HDV?
Antwort von JMitch:

I cut DV with 512MB and 2Gh. That works quite well ...
Antwort von Pax0r:
I cut DV with 512MB and 2Gh. That works quite well ... synonymous HDV?
Antwort von JMitch:

Yes synonymous. But only in HDV rendered animations. So no videos of a HDV camera.
Antwort von Pax0r:

graka than what haste?
Antwort von JMitch:

graka spiet a VERY minor role!
Antwort von Frank B.:
graka spiet a VERY minor role! Well, the stated times, for example, the Avid Liquid users; 0).
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

The würd me now synonymous times of interest.
AMD Athlon XP 2800 + @ 2.1GHz
180Gb HDD
Runs with the the?
Antwort von FrankB.:
The würd me now synonymous times of interest.
AMD Athlon XP 2800 + @ 2.1GHz
180Gb HDD
Runs with the the? Just try it!
I think the processor is too weak. On my P4 2.8 GHz is, however, if I do not do too many projects. Ram, you need to get on XP is not so much. There were several hard disks (not partitions) better.
I let me now a new calculator for HDV - Editing and processing building, since my current slightly above calculator hakelig running.
zZ: P4 2.8 GHz, 1GB Ram, 160 GB HD in the system partition and Video,
graphics card ATI Radeon 9600 Pro editing program Pinnacle Liquid Edition 6.1
Soon: Core 2 Duo E 6600, 2 GB Ram PC 800, 3x HD to 250 GB Samsung,
graphics card MSI 7900GS 512MB RAM, editing program Avid Liquid 7.2 (supported by many effects, the GPU)
The components were under price - performance - criteria chosen, because I want / need: 0 (under the 1000, - Euro border. However, I expect a strong performance.
Antwort von wolfgang:

So typically, the 3.0 Ghz as a border for HDV editing specified number of manufacturers. It may be that it is synonymous with 2.8 is still halfway - stop depends of the used software.
Investing today, you should of course have a 2-core machine take with the Conroe 6600 is the HDV editing perfectly well.
Antwort von Frank B.:

Hello again,
've just found this thread, which is running in parallel. I think it can be read with this issue.
Antwort von PowerMac:

What a nonsense. Even the 2 GHz range for HDV editing.
Antwort von Frank B.:
What a nonsense. Even the 2 GHz range for HDV editing. Well, maybe the Mac, o),
But with a PC can I get it I do not really imagine. It is perhaps synonymous question of a definition of terms used to you "rich" and "modification". As I said my 2.8 GHz P4 rödelt already powerful rum, especially in long-term effects such as color. Perhaps your statement is synonymous only to the bare cut. Because you could perhaps even be right. For intensive treatment, I would but at a much higher clocked Processor guess. The recommended synonymous Manufacturer of cutting the SW, such as here:
Antwort von wolfgang:
What a nonsense. Even the 2 GHz range for HDV editing. Same nonsense ... in the PC world there is no NLE, significantly less than 3 GHz for HDV editing specified. Ok, Sony Vegas, even only 2.8 Ghz ...
and at sinds Edius 2.8 GHz, dual core, but ....
Whether Powi seriously thought of Macs that I ever talk?
Antwort von Maik:

P4, 2.0 Ghz (with slight Overclocking to 2.4 Ghz)
1.5 Gb Ram.
GForce GraKa with 256 Mb RAM ...
Dual-monitor operation.
At the last Project in HDV there's so (with Avid Xpress DV) no problems.
Also, the full-motion effects with preview ran smooth.
The Avid GraKa counts under way, synonymous with ... therefore synonymous not save.
Many greetings,
Antwort von wolfgang:

What specifies the Avid Xpress DV for at least the processor? And clearly, if the graphics card into account, the processor performance may be lower, eh klar. What you need, if the graphics card is not taken into account?
Antwort von Maik:
What specifies the Avid Xpress DV for at least the processor?
What you need, if the graphics card is not taken into account? System Memory: 1GB DDR2 SDRAM (2GB recommended for HD and high-stream count SD projects)
One of the following processors: (minimum speed listed)
Xeon 2.4 GHz (single or dual core)
Intel Core 2 Duo 2:13 GHz
Intel Core Duo 1.67 GHz
Pentium 4 1.8 GHz
Pentium M 1.8 GHz (mobile)
Pentium D 1.7 GHz (mobile)
Qualified graphics card (per model, s.supported by system vendors)
GraKa ... which is important when it comes to real-time preview of effects
and the full preview go.
With a less strong performance GraKa Avid offers the option to preview full
Not at all.
HDV is gone before synonymous with my gforce ollen 64Mb, but no
Effects and full-time preview.
Many greetings,
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

P4, 2.0 Ghz (with slight Overclocking to 2.4 Ghz)
1.5 Gb Ram.
GForce GraKa with 256 Mb RAM ...
Dual-monitor operation.
... Well if the works already. ;) Then yes I would simply cut and a few effects to add. That should be no problem.
Antwort von Valentino:

I always find it funny how the user, the frequency clip round the ear. So first and foremost, it is important that the editing program the chipset and the processor support and fully exploit. Because it can happen to me s.einem 3GHz P4 HDV only works with a lot of bucking and synonymous with the high bars to 3.6 GHz is not better.
But to buy a new 2.4 GHz dual core of Intel and remains synonymous with the Intel chipsets, running the same program at the buttery soft HDV editing. In addition, a liquid HDV editing very rare with an AGP graphics card works because the return channel, the AGP interface is just too slow. When PCI Express is again not a problem and thus have been an advantage. The important thing is that the hardware is very good on the software should be coordinated and how so synonymous with Apple provides the DV editing works with HDV with no problems on a MacBook Pro with a CoreDuo 1.8 GHz. On the Windows interface by MAC Book Pro, the whole thing did not work.
For this reason, I advise synonymous every s.ein editing system with an AMD processor to build. There is no single manufacturer, which is an AMD system and indicates the optimal synonymous with good reason.
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

Well if I had 3ds Max 8 from a 3D model with 20 mio. polygonal rendering within 1hr, then HDV is likely to work loose, whether or not AMD. Finally, my friend synonymous with 4gb ram, AMD athlon xp nem synonymous an HDV video - no preference with which schnittprog. - Cut! And so is a 3D model is much more complex and complicated than an HDV video ...
Antwort von Frank B.:

Antwort von Valentino:
Well if I had 3ds Max 8 from a 3D model with 20 mio. polygonal rendering within 1hr, then HDV is likely to work loose, whether or not AMD. Finally, my friend synonymous with 4gb ram, AMD athlon xp nem synonymous an HDV video - no preference with which schnittprog. - Cut! And so is a 3D model is much more complex and complicated than an HDV video ... You compare apples with pears. If you are in 3D Max a very complex sequence render it, you're only on pure computing power and memory dependent. When editing HDV issue, however, which you interim images berrechnest and then go even on a monitor in full quality in realtime and must show that the Intel processors are just better suited. Each CPU brand has a particular user group and to be developed. For AMD, it is the players and fans at Intel video freaks.
Antwort von scream:

And since the C2D, many gaming enthusiasts to Intel transition.
Antwort von Maik:

Like Valentino writes:
the system components are important. It may be that on
two system with the same outer values on a work on
the other not ...
My box is actually an older Sony Vaio of the rod.
The rumgezickt has never, so I really lucky.
The pure HDV - Editing has incidentally synonymous with the old GraKa (64Mb) and
only 1Gb RAM works.
In the course of the project but then I wanted something more rendering power and
a realtime preview ...
So I have 80 euros in 512 Mb Ram and a new GraKa invests.
Back to the real question: why you try it with your old
Calculator is not just? One afternoon, fresh OS
it (for XP a few of the usual tuning tricks), and editing program drauf
rumgeschnipselt ...
Then siehts you what you need or not.
With as little effort to reach the maximum,
-I always say.
Many greetings,
Antwort von JMitch:

(for XP a few of the usual tuning tricks)
namely =?
Antwort von Maik:
(for XP a few of the usual tuning tricks)
namely =?
:) Na:
Under 'Suggestions for optimum performance',
Google ... there's synonymous some developed specifically for the video - the area.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Scheiss Windows Gefrickel!
Antwort von wolfgang:

Say, what's the last time you in the liver gone? The Mac is so great anyway ...
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

Does it even garnicht with a slightly too weak PC or the video lasts just longer? Anyway I would just cut and then encode in wmv and ready.
Antwort von Beatfabrikant:

Never simply a good system put together by the belief: Hardware performance is proportional to the average performance. Some Progs may vllt luck with the case, but in general you should always refer to the recommendations of the Proghersteller ensured. Otherwise it may be because (especially with Avid) hellish surprises to come;)
Antwort von JMitch:

wants synonymous times n bissl angeben!
my new computer will have the following spec, if the processor is finally delivered.
Intel C2D E6850
2 * ATI 1950 Pro 512MB
2 * 320GB HDD
2 * 20 "Flat + 19" Tube
Application: Editing, CC, VFX
Now everything depends only s.Intel: /
Antwort von JMitch:
wants synonymous times n bissl angeben!
my new computer will have the following spec, if the processor is finally delivered.
Intel C2D E6850
2 * ATI 1950 Pro 512MB
2 * 320GB HDD
2 * 20 "Flat + 19" Tube
Application: Editing, CC, VFX
Now everything depends only s.Intel: / only the stupid you s.eine old graphics card is pure and b) even in Crossfire mode only provides 2 outputs max and you have your 19 "tube useless rumstehen searched.
That being said, I would prefer a smaller processor and to get a little more RAM and HDD ...
Antwort von Frank B.:
Does it even garnicht with a slightly too weak PC or the video lasts just longer? Anyway I would just cut and then encode in wmv and ready. It is already here but have been advised on several occasions, it simply times out. Again, the sole technical data are not necessarily decisive. The interplay of all components makes a good system. The general recommendation goes to s.3GHz processors or dual core systems with at least 1 better 2 GB of Ram. If all other components according to the manufacturer cutting program have been selected, although it may be out again and still synonymous with problems. The probability unclouded HDV editing comfort to experience is with such a system but s.größten.
Sooner or later just synonymous times and color of this or that effect them. Then, after my experience up to 3 GHz quite tedious and a patience game.
Alternatively, you can indeed synonymous a system according to your requirements of a popular video editing specialists (will not advertise here now do - but some are in the network) to build a system. That is slightly more expensive, but then you have a function but synonymous warranty.
Antwort von JMitch:
wants synonymous times n bissl angeben!
my new computer will have the following spec, if the processor is finally delivered.
Intel C2D E6850
2 * ATI 1950 Pro 512MB
2 * 320GB HDD
2 * 20 "Flat + 19" Tube
Application: Editing, CC, VFX
Now everything depends only s.Intel: /
only the stupid you s.eine old graphics card is pure and b) even in Crossfire mode only provides 2 outputs max and you have your 19 "tube useless rumstehen searched.
That being said, I would prefer a smaller processor and to get a little more RAM and HDD ... the map is clearly a bit older, but one seen almost 7600GT in sli operation ran. somewhere and you have so synonymous n bissl on monetary ensured. how come that I will not be able to operate all the monitors?