Infoseite // DV format CanonMVX40

Frage von werner75:

through the purchase of the above. Videocam and a trial recording dubbing (SP) as a DV-AVI on the PC uncompressed with NeroVision, I found the AVI file has only one size of 384x288 pixels. So, no Pal-size of 720x576. Setting options for change I do not think.
I have purchased a wrong device.
Purchased on Ebay-dealer determined as a new device with the mention: originally for the English market.
Gibts da info?



Antwort von werner75:


I think the problem is that I erledigt.Die software to play and display the pixel size used (DVBViewer) seems wrong to view AVI files. With VirtualDub / File / file information have been shown to 720x576.



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