Frage von Rick_26:
Welcome times s.alle professionals here!
Bin by chance finally came across a page where I hope my help! * g *
So now to my real problem!
I'm playing recently with this Adobe Premiere Elements My home videos to the laptop and edit!
Only because I'm probably a little flaw!
Is it really possible to capture the entire BAND times "" and then edit them or do I have "the best rausfiltern" and then simply combined
sat! Edit everything at once, and then would be better!
Are there any programs with which it works?
I hope you can help me when times!
Thanks in advance, a desperate!
Antwort von AndyZZ:

I'll do it really basically like this:
The total tape with Sclive capture to import the total material then rearrange everything to muck out the timeline and then and after, re-assemble so that the whole thing gets a red thread.
This should assist synonymous Premiere Elements.
Antwort von Rick_26:

Thanks for the quick response times!
Well, the scenecapturen with the individual would not be a bad idea, but even there are sometimes "mistsachen" there!
I just do not want to overtax my cam and always out and her coils just so I get everything in the right sequence!
yes the cam is not synonymous for good! And I have so far in Premiere Elements
nothing endeckt what the average actually used in such a scene would be!
programs synonymous in all demos of other zb. ulead or pinnacle one always sees only the individual scenes composed but never cut right!
what you are using?
Antwort von Marco:
"I just do not want to overtax my cam and always out and her coils just so I get everything in the right sequence!" You do not need to synonymous, the camera runs through s.einem piece.
To get the clips in the correct order, this is actually the editing software that ...
Antwort von MiXMaster:

Thanks marco!
it was already clear to me only when I speak a wank clip of the camera how can I then cut him after!!
simply a clip on the disk and then have what cuten the vehicle stops!
that's just my wonder with what programs you have experience as synonymous where the works! Do you know any program where you can cut synonymous in a clip! not only the end and beginning of the optimize!
Antwort von AndyZZ:

There are basically two ways that I use:
1.) Sclive with automatic scene based on the separation date stamp. The DV tape running s.Stück through without being ranked. For that you later perhaps 100 or more individual Dateieen on your calculator, you can import en bloc and then move chronologically correct on the timeline can. The advantage is that you know exactly where it begins and ends a setting. Since the deletion of unnecessary file from the timeline is very fluid.
2 Thou can Sclive with or with) Premiere Elements to import s.Stück synonymous throughout the film. At 60 min DV tape length then you have one (1) File with about 13 GB on the disk, you can just import and create s.Stück on the timeline. However, do not you know where to begin a setting or ends, and have fairly elaborate scrub along the timeline.
Cut and sort out you do with Premiere Elements. Since there is such a symbol razor, with which you can cut s.bestimmter place the timeline. The are you doing s.Anfang s.end and the scene that you want to delete. Then you check the piece and remove it. In this regard, the manual is certainly a lot of information!
PS: I capture with Sclive edit, and encode with Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5, Special effects with Photoshop 6 and After Effects Pro 6.5 makes my menus with 1:53 DVDlab Pro and burn with Nero Express on a LG multi-format burner, double-synonymous Layer knows.
Antwort von snowy:

Thanks andyzz
So time will examine elements razor symbol at a time!
that would be the best for me! the whole file after Zusammenschneiden what I need!
If I can not get it yet do I sign up again
thx for the time being!
Antwort von Taner59:

I use ULEAD, and since I have the Opiton scanning the scenes.
The entire film is scanned and divided into individual frames, making the premiere synonymous car, or you have to do it with the manual Cuter.
Antwort von Yasmin:
I've been here recently with Adobe Premiere Elements ... If I remember correctly, was Seinerzeit element 3 bundled with a wonderful manual. Now I do not know, obs is so synonymous with Elements 4. If so, then it just worked with this manual. There, all the steps with all the options are explained in detail. The entire procedure of capturing up to DVD including all the steps with all the possibilities that lie between them.
Antwort von Taner59:

I told you that I work with ULEAD.
I have no PREMIERE :-)
But of course I will, sooner or later, synonymous to the premiere.
I just want to know if you can share it with Premiere synonymous car or cut scenes, as in ULEAD and Pinnacle.
Antwort von snowy:

There are in Premiere Elements, the ability to enable the capturing of the "automatic Szeenenerkennung" too. Element is then divides the material into almost self Szeenen. To what extent something like this makes sense, time is an open question;). You can disable this feature synonymous and transfer everything as one unit.
Antwort von Taner59:

That's what I wanted to know :-)
Thanks s.Gast :-)