Frage von Chillkröte:
I must make more videos recorded on DVDs. To this end, I mostly use Premiere for capturing, creating Mainconcept to convert to MPEG2 for DVD and Nero Vision. Only even if I always use the best settings, the quality (of course subjective) but visibly worse. Moreover, the (mainly takes the Nero part) unnervingly long.
My system is:
Pentium M 760 (2 Ghz)
1GB Ram
and enough plate in Raidverbund.
My questions are: Am I making this too complicated?
Is there not a possibility,
just the DV footage to DVD to dispel (raw), without the need to use three different Programs? That can not be right? If I have the MPEG-Nero Recode leave, I sit there even longer.
Also why I only need to encode to MPEG and then only with Nero to create the DVD structure? Can not equal the stored DV-avi cut by pressing a button on a DVD?
Is there really
no "I-drink-press-button-and-go-n-beer" solution (a la Pinnacle Studio, perhaps), which gives me a reasonably acceptable outcome without the "Remaining Time: you want at all do not know "?
How are you doing sowas denn? Are you sitting untouched for several hours before synonymous Calculator only half an hour to pack on DV footage ne DVD?
Ok, enough, I think you know what I mean. Danke schon mal für eure Antworten!
Antwort von ptvwesel:

Since you probably only helps' nen DVD recorder ...
Premiere), a so-called Adobe MPEG encoder with s.Bord (in the newer versions. Works just like the concept of Main and you can directly encode your video of the timeline.
As a quick authoring program I recommend you TMPEG DVD Author. Is the simplest and quickest, most of what I know. Only the individuality halt falls by the wayside.
You can work synonymous with DVDit of Sonic. This is an authoring program and convert your Avi files directly to the aggregation. Kannste but with very long waits expected.
Just as with Adobe Encore. Is synonymous' nen DVD authoring program that is for the Semiprof Anweder well. Man must know a little what you want and catch on the program, import internalisation times with (possibly very long) but the program you encode the files synonymous to the DVD format.
Conclusion: Of course, all-consuming computational arias. So if you want to save your DV material only, it is advisable to purchase a DVD recorder. The cost is no longer the world (for less than an expensive authoring program) and go fast.
Far away of the above tips: If you need to do a backup of computerized data for possible future processing: Burning a data DVD with your computer hardware and you'll get the data back if you need them. Can they not look in the DVD player but you have zero the einsen and who were synonymous in the tape ...
Antwort von Wiro:

for your needs, I also recommend a DVD recorder. Since the beer is your dream a reality.
Advantage: you need to adjust anything.
If you still want to go through Premiere: simply select "Print to DVD" and then go have a beer too - done.
Disadvantage: you have to set something right.
I think first for your needs a bit oversized. It is intended more as a cut Application for Film Makers.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von beiti:

For me, listens to the description, as if you are encoding twice - once before with Premiere / MainConcept and then again with Nero. That the quality of this suffering, is obvious. That is simply nonsense.
Unfortunately I know neither the functions of the MainConcept encoder nor the details of Nero Visio, there may be no concrete Einstellungstips. I do not know, for example, whether Nero's vision is ever to be able to accept pre-encoded material to 1:1 without chasing it again by their own new encoder (of which I've not heard much good).
My suggestion would have to operate by:
- Give out has to premiere the film as a MPEG2 Elementary Streams from (which you can set somewhere in the MainConcept). Then you would have separate files for Picture and Sound rausbekommen (. Picture for m2v, mp2 or mpa or wav) for the sound.
- Then you take IfoEdit (freeware from the Internet) and thus build a simple DVD structure. It is guaranteed not re-encoded, and it is not synonymous take so long (about 10 minutes to 1 hour video). You use this function "Author new DVD."
- At the end you burn the contents of the folder, create the IfoEdit has a DVD - and not with Nero Vision, but with the normal Nero burning software. Since there must be a setting "DVD Video", and if you choose to, you'll have only the IfoEdit of files created in the "VIDEO_TS" folder, create and burn the whole thing. It will be rendered nothing more, but immediately fired.
As a result you get a self-starting DVD (ie without the menu and it starts right after you put the film) in very good quality (just as she has spent the MainConcept encoder).
If you want to create menus, etc., you would need a different authoring software instead of IfoEdit. But You wanted a quick solution.
If you set the encoding with Premiere / MainConcept lasts too long, can you buy the Cinema Craft Encoder Basic (approx. 60 $). The premiere will be involved in and does the same as the MainConcept, only much faster.
If you want to have rather drink a "beer-I-go" solution, take place premiere of a beginner program like Pinnacle Studio. There is a genuine opportunity to encoding, authoring and burning together in one program and "click of a button run" set up. You must not forget to insert a blank disc on which it took after two hours (or how long it has rendered halt) is burned. For longer shoot But you must already hold a medium booze to bridge this time. ;)
Antwort von Chillkröte:

Class guys, thank you already once extended for the answers!
A DVD recorder is currently not in there (poor student;), I'll watch me TMPEG DVD Author and the others mentioned, however Programs. IfoEdit I'm still here synonymous still fly somewhere ...
For me, listens to the description, as if you are encoding twice - once before with Premiere / MainConcept and then again with Nero Yes, I think that's the case. I walk so the way because it always means that the. Avi must be divided into. Converted mpeg2, so it can read a DVD player.
So I press for example, with Premiere on "Export> as a dv-avi (dvavi simply because a pure avi devour as much memory), then I change the file into an mpeg and then to click on Nero on" Create DVD Video ". That is something of a conversion step too many.
What does that mean, you only need a DVD capable. Mpeg file? And what. Vob example, then with. Mpeg2 to do?
Oh man, the good old neat little knowledge ...
As you bring it every day (synonymous cut) video from Premiere to DVD? Only export as. Avi and burn it via Encore?
Antwort von beiti:

VOB is basically an MPEG2 file, only additionally enriched with further information.
I walk so the way because it always means that the. Avi must be divided into. Converted mpeg2, so it can read a DVD player.
So I press for example, with Premiere on "Export> as a dv-avi (dvavi simply because a pure avi devour as much memory), then I change the file into an mpeg and then to click on Nero on" Create DVD Video ". That is something of a conversion step too many. Now, sometimes slowly. What do you do with what?
Export - of DV-AVI from Premiere can be done, because we want to encode the material outside of Premiere. Because your material was previously DV is the issue of DV-AVI not re-rendered.
- What will you do it MPEG? Once back in Premiere? Or even in Nero? Or with another software? And with what settings?
I notice now that you have not written anywhere that Premiere version you use. This determines whether the tip of works Wiro (in premiere issue of "On DVD" button and go and drink beer).
Antwort von Wiro:

Speaking of "The premiere issue directly from the timeline to DVD":
When I look at my video shelf, then there is a whole list of DVDs, all of which are so incurred. If I could always drink a beer would have gone, then I would vmtl. Alcoholics already ;-))
To my knowledge, this feature works only with purchased versions. After registering you get sent an unlock code. So if this is the case of a trial, this button mglw. grayed out.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von beiti:
If I could always drink a beer would have gone, then I would vmtl. Alcoholics already ;-)) I know people who have become alcoholics, without having fired a single DVD while to ... :)
Antwort von Chillkröte:
Now, sometimes slowly. What do you do with what?
Export - of DV-AVI from Premiere can be done, because we want to encode the material outside of Premiere. Because your material was previously DV is the issue of DV-AVI not re-rendered. Is something confused written, I admit. But that is all s.den loading bar, which I see here because I work in front of me. As the beer trucks are already here snake (although I almost never drink beer, but I like the idea:)
So I said to cut several songs, clips, effects, and possibly existing films. The render I then, before I with MainConcept transmuted to MPEGs, when dvavi. Is that silly?
- What will you do it MPEG? Once back in Premiere? Or even in Nero? Or with another software? And with what settings? The MPEG I create with the MainConcept rigmarole. Since one can not simply set a "high quality", I always screw the average bitrate is so high that it is still just on the DVD (so it fits the resulting file size is about 4.5 GB).
So Premiere Pro version 1.5 and is spending "on DVD" I can not click. Have the function only once and used until now because it took so long and war, etc.) in such a messed-quality (with some faulty connections that I thought that was simply a still half-baked adobe function. Could, of course, are synonymous s.den settings ...
Ah, once more the question. What is the everyday way you have become accustomed to you, then, is to cut footage (yes or uncut, in principle no preference) from Premiere to DVD to bring?
Antwort von Fonfara:

I let my rendered out of Premiere Pro DV AVI files converted into Encore. This importa I look at the files as the Timeline, I'm working menus and click Create DVD. War has always satisfied, because Encore automatically the best quality as a function of the length calculated. And that's the rub: In a DVD 5 (4.7 GB), only one hours fits in very good quality (about 7 Mb / s vbr + Sound in PCM or MPEG Audio Layer II). Will there be more video footage, the quality of course, worse.
The synonymous in Premiere Pro so. Simply select the correct settings (preset PAL, High Quality 7Mb, 1-pass or PAL, High Quality 4Mb 2-pass, no preference whether cbr or vbr are recommended) and even renders premiere release. Although lasts quite a while (as synonymous in Encore), but the quality is true. Since synonymous kannste have a coffee.
Both Programs generate MPEG2 data together with the menu structure, subtitles and audio tracks in.'s Vob (Video Objects), and summarized in the Video_TS folder to burn to the DVD. This last step has always übernahmm with you Nero.
In an external program to convert to MPEG2 is worthwhile only if 1 the program is either very very good, 2 The program works very very fast, or you want to prepare multiple files for multiple projects. But there is synonymous: What program did and what compression rate can I afford?
I hope I could help you a little.
Antwort von Fonfara:

'm Still an addendum:
Uncut bring the material to DVD is synonymous quite simple: With a video card (Pinnacle, etc.), often there is the possibility to burn the video directly from the FireWire port on DVD. The conversion process takes over the video card.