Frage von nawerwohl02:Hi,
I've tried a lot of Programs, but not simply come next.
I need to copy an existing DVD, only a portion and preferably without the costly conversion to AVI and a new coding. Is there not a program (freeware if possible) where you simply select a DVD and can copy and re-cut? Of about VirtualDub and Premiere have all the freeware Programs already (almost) all tried.
However, not everything works the way you imagine it ...
Best regards, thanks in advance!!
Antwort von Mylenium:
However, not everything works the way you imagine it ... Yes, precisely. Because you are wrong you just imagine synonymous. In general, the data provided on a DVD and multiplexed with additional information. These individual data packets have to undo first before you change something there - can change only the video and keep the wrong ones, then invalid control information, so is of no use and which leads to unusable discs. You can give up with the usual ripping and conversion tools extract the raw files and then edit halt or copy entire VOBs (if you know how to adjust the IFOs to it), but for everything else you come to a new creation of the disc can not avoid especially not if they really comprehensive with multiple audio tracks, menus, etc., is ...
Antwort von nawerwohl02:
but thanks for your attention ...