Frage von hausl78:
Habe die with my DV-Cam DVD movies created because of the limited 'shelf life' of the self-burned DVDs is always synonymous to the hard drive where (TS_VIDEO with files).
Now I want to restore (HD -> DVD) now complains Nero when burning a DVD movie, the ISO does not work, because my MAGIX File on CD and DVD single. VOB with> 3GB has created and I should use UFD .
If I now do, then no DVD movie out, but it is a data DVD.
How do I get back a DVD movie, but somehow it must go, as the original from MAGIX yes synonymous as a DVD movie on any DVD so far StandAlonePlayer play where I could have tried it.
Please save me a re-capture and edit DV tape! * despair *
How to create your backups of your work - by Nero image or what is as well?
Antwort von Eva Maier:

At Christmas time Here are the Weihnachtsmäner Rar become.
Somehow I can not understand your statements,
a> 3GB Vob File
Nero is not the ISO.
That does not fit together!
/ Eve
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Or have I misunderstood what da
Antwort von hausl78:

Thank you voerst times for trying to understand my post ;-)
So I have the files on the hard drive, as on the DVD of MAGIX created were created. This means that there is a folder with the usual TS_VIDEO files, it is another one. VOB File and which has approximately 3.3 GB!
If I were in NERO with DVD movie making a new compilation, then refuses to NERO to burn, because the VOB is larger than 2GB. Nero then says I should make a UDF compilation.
I've been trying, but this is only a data DVD and not a film is created -> ie when I created the DVD in my standalone player insert, then the movie does not start, but the directories are displayed.
Hope now it's understandable!
Thank you and nice Christmas!
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Of course, this is not exactly the optimal
First, I would times the tool - "Imgtoolburn" from the net drag (= freeware) so you can burn TS Folder.
2.) Vob DVD's are usually limited to 1GB dfa it may be that you need new writers. You indeed synonymous since the *. IFO, *. BUP, and other files need
In the "good" old days it was possible with the DVD Builder to make quick, now you have to look for other programs umswehen the VOB's can handle.
/ Eve
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Here is a link to
/ E
Antwort von Gast 0815:

The problem has been caused by VDL. The program does not write standard Vobs, but large, before burning the first split should be.
Problem solving, see:
If this does not help load the Vob file (in VDL) in a new movie, change nothing, go in the burn dialog, create a new menu, make sure that in the encoder settings smartrendern is enabled and then burn your DVD.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von StefanS:

I do not know whether this will work, but you can try the following, which you first once synonymous nix will cost:
Get of a trial version of the film distiller. Import the "large" *. vob and create a new DVD with the film distiller.
When it works:
1. Feedback
2. buy!
Merry Christmas
Antwort von Axel:

As a backup for archiving is a data DVD with the Vob size of 3.3 GB quite okay. This you need to Vob for output as a video DVD (of the Stand Alone Player accepted) demuxer (VobEdit eg, the so-called?) And with a DVD program (Nero can not synonymous?, Sorry, I'm Mac user) author . This program will then make that four Vobs be because the DVD specification, as a 1 GB maximum file size is requested.
Antwort von camworks:

I can imagine that for a zipped archive dvd-image is more suitable than a VIDEO_TS folders. the same size should be (maybe even smaller) and is later to burn without problems.
Although not help with your immediate problem but maybe for new projects?
Antwort von hausl78:

So thank you first for the many answers!
I have the VIDEO_TS folder on my backup hard drive now and I read DVDSrink function using "backup" the whole folder to another can be created. Now there are 3 smaller VOBs, I think it worked, the IFO and BUP files had been previously and afterwards, but my concern is yes jettz to the large VOB, because there meckert NERO yes.
I would honestly rather have a backup image of the DVD, but with which program, because the NERO. Nrg is yes then only under Nero flammable.
Can I have some anhderem (freeware) program synonymous. Iso or. Img or create something where I needed not only covered with Nero simply the video-DVD can create?
Thank you very much!
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Nero *. nrg Files can be synonymous in *. ISO and then rename with virtually any burning program burn.
What activities your concern regarding DVDSh ** I am not convinced whether it works - quite apart from that there was only scrap rauskommt.
/ Eve
Antwort von hausl78:

Really, that's ... Just rename?
So do s.besten DVD with NERO to create an image and then. Rename ISO.
What is with this approach with the large VOB (> 3GB) is by one. ISO then a problem, because then I must have somehow previously split (can)
How UPst BACK because you put your DVDs (on the hard drive!)
Thank you / Love
Antwort von Eva Maier:

I use WinISO 5.3 or my Authoringprogrann already created a UDF image (ISO) which I then onto a USB disk copy.
/ e
Antwort von hausl78:

So if I have a DVD with MAGIX video create, then sort it out:
zum Bild What do you, how can I s.einfachsen then again because of it echted DVD-Video burn, if the part needs to disc?
Thank you!
Antwort von Eva Maier:

The easiest way is you do an experiment.
Looking you in the network "Imgtoolburn"
Burning a DVD and if you do you run an image with Nero
/ e
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Just like the picture looks like a work could danoch Magix step before burning?
Antwort von hausl78:

nothing technical to where you could select DVD, you are only s.DVD and various encoder settings can still vonehmen.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

And Burn?
/ e
Antwort von hausl78:

hm, do not think so ..
zum Bild jueregn [/ url]
Antwort von hausl78:

sorry, verdrückt ;-)
So again the richitge bild
zum Bild
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Exactly --
Then burn you and make of the burned DVD ISO
That's it then!
/ Eve
Antwort von Gast 0815:

VDL wrote during the first DVD creation (not just standardized) image files on the hard drive, taking a Vob-File/Film created. The breakdown in standard Vobs then during the actual burning process. As a user you have no chance in this series to intervene. Of course you can use the Video_TS folder of the burned DVD back to hard drive copy and then immediately working files.
Please, see the above link to Page of Hajj, there is an accurate description of how you-with Magix Videodelux, Shrinker (PLUS version), MXCDR.exe or NeroRecode from the available files easily deploy a standard VideoDVD can create.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von hausl78:

So then nero with (what else I did not) burn
Well if the nrg to rename it using iso synonymous with other funktioiert (I trust you simply times ;-)), then I will make time off from my full selbesgedrehten dvds images to make
Thank you for your endurance!
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Similarly, I hoped for, so is synonymous of the burned DVD image to be
/ Eve
Antwort von Eva Maier:

You have to burn with Magix
Antwort von hausl78:

ok thanks!