Frage von Benny:
what can it be if my movies on DVD are always short dropouts, although this was not so on the PC.
I have read in the forum that you want to keep the burning speed as low as possible, but the problem still exists.
Background programs, I'm not doing any synonymous.
Since synonymous are partially recorded music while falling dropped frames, of course, twice as unpleasant on ...
Thank you for your tips
Antwort von jens:

What blanks are you using?
Antwort von Benny:

DVD-R of Deja GmbH stands on it, at least on the DVD.
Strangely, the DVD runs perfectly on the PC in the drive.
Is my conclusion correct that s.Television my DVD player does not get along with the burned DVDs?
If so, what should I consider when I buy a new player?
Best regards,
Antwort von jens:

Well, the DVD-R has, I believe, a spark s.Kompatibilität more than standalone players. In today's generation of players but that should play no role.
Otherwise, I think it is very important not to save s.den blanks. I use
only brand blanks (Preferably Verbatim). Noname / Billigrohlinge are often poorly handled. Since Istesem not infrequently, when they "jump".
But if the DVD s.Calculator when you go running with you ... because in the DVD drive or burner.
If 's is in both, is the trouble spot may be somewhere else.
With what bitrate you encode the whole matter?
Antwort von Benny:

It runs on both the burner and drive.
The bit rate, I can not stop, unfortunately, that makes Magix auto.
Thank you for the previous answers,
Antwort von Axel:

As Jens has written on DVD-R blanks and quality, I can only agree. But of course, some older players s.Aussetzern synonymous guilt, because their error is often not so good. The last sentence, the question with which data rate you codierst, in my experience is particularly important. With a total data rate of less than 8 Mbit / s there are, in my experience synonymous with ältereren players no problems. That one should slow burn (sounds like hell) but I was new. What's 16x burner?
Antwort von Benny:

I can not find the article, unfortunately ...
But as a newcomer, I can well imagine that could be swallowed at a fast pace burn a few frames.
I lie so wrong?
If I want to change the bit rate at Magix, he brings this error message:
Adjusting the bit rate is not needed because enough space on the DVD. Best regards,
Antwort von jens:
It runs on both the burner and drive.
The bit rate, I can not stop, unfortunately, that makes Magix auto.
Thank you for the previous answers,
Benny ReMpeg Can not read the bit rate?
What were you doing when taken Magix for encoder settings?
What can you ever stop?
Antwort von Benny:

Oops, I've got an indication of the bit rate: 5728 kbit / s
On more than 7500 MB / s I can go even net.
In principle, I do not have the encoder settings changed, because I do not even know much about.
Antwort von Hogar:

If you can not adjust more than 7500, then you can not recruit synonymous with high data rate, which is already OK.
DVD's bebrennen is always with the slowest speed to exactly what one should just not do.
One should bebrennen DVD's always with the speed of your burner is up to interpretation. AND, the DVD has the speed to a maximum synonymous. Example bebrennen: a 4x disc in a 4x burner 4x. DAS - and nothing else is the optimum. This is not just about s.and in PC magazines, but I was once synonymous request of Verbatim so confirmed.
If you bebrennst an 8x blank 4x into a 16x burner, bebrennst an 8x or 4x 4x disc in a burner - or, as always synonymous - then the duration and intensity of the laser beam is not perfectly matched.
If an 8x disc bebrannt 4x, this is possible, but the pits and country are disproportionate in size. So in German: The burnt holes are too large, because the laser is actually aimed at 4x instead of 8x. (For 8xer speed, the intensity of the laser to be even higher in order to burn at that speed all the holes yet to be. If 4x is the intensity of the laser 8x but a bit too much. The intensity of the laser is probably not for changing speed or not sufficiently adapted to - probably for technical reasons)
The other way when bebrennt a 4x zertifizieten blank 8x, because the DVD Burner is of the opinion - och nojo - will be all right - then the holes may be too small.
So blank DVD Speed, DVD Burner burn speed and maximum speed must all be equal.
Oh take: No Cheap blanks - I can only confirm synonymous. Latest in 3 years you will cry, because the disc can no longer be read. [Thanks EMTEC>: (]
Antwort von Benny:

Thank you once so far, I'll put the same time.
If the jerk is, I think probably on a new stand-alone DVD player. Yes it works on your PC drives.
Best regards,
Antwort von Hogar:

I'd be grateful if I could have such a DVD player, because if you can make the DVD so compatible, they will be eaten synonymous of an old DVD player, then it becomes synonymous otherwise be very compatible.
Ich finds gar net sooo toll that my DVD player will eat anything. How am I supposed to know if the DVD is running synonymous with relatives nunmal all the old DVD player have.
Your DVD player you can change, but to your "customers" definitely not.
It can, moreover, s.Magix are synonymous. Try erstmal other burned DVD's. Perhaps of a copied or friends, of whom you know, it works, the original ... you already know;)
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Benny,
Many themes are repeated here in the forum. In the contribution
Antwort von Hogar:

Well, I would have almost have to think that you have written is not just for me;)
Antwort von alexxxm:

hm, I hope I never missed the habs forum but I have a similar problem. only when I run the dvd not even in the drive. even then it jerky. The rohmaterial's okay but once on nen rohling jerky is coming every few seconds. have already tried different rohling thus depends almost connected with this. anyone an idea how you can get at this dilemma?
thx a lot in advance
lg alex
Antwort von Markus:
The rohmaterial's okay but once on nen rohling jerky is coming every few seconds. Could it be that you are not of a DVD-video (= MPEG2 - video) talking about, but the DV-AVI to DVD-ROM you burned?
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

One should bebrennen DVD's always with the speed of your burner is up to interpretation. AND, the DVD has the speed to a maximum synonymous. Example bebrennen: a 4x disc in a 4x burner 4x. DAS - and nothing else is the optimum. This is not just about s.and in PC magazines, but I was once synonymous request of Verbatim so confirmed.
burning with reduced speed was recommended some time ago in the
c't when it comes to data backup, etc. goes. Reasons I have not intus.
Plays for the quality of the data that - if the DVD is correct - but not a fiddle.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

That is a mistake, the Pi / Po values do not rise sharply s.wenn the specified parameters are met.
/ E
Antwort von Hogar:

What these magazines to say because I'd be careful. The tests have sometimes, because I do not know if I should laugh or cry. Thus tables where blanks were inserted into zich zich writer and then as a green-red matrix comes out, what s.besten works where. The sowas GAR NIX brings, you know, if you are dealing with the matter.
If you want to have information about a topic, you should always have multiple sources and himself recherieren. Grade when it comes to CD / DVD burn ...
Antwort von Markus:

Once again, it can be stated that everyone does his very own, individual experiences with the burning of DVDs. S.Software Depending on the combination, burners, blanks and playback devices.
Antwort von Hogar:

If in doubt, a little listen to the Manufacturer, synonymous if I personally do not like that. But when DVD disc with the burner XY XY will work well, we can schonmal tested for compatibility and durability. Moreover, if, for example SonyVerbatim recommends blanks, has Sonydavon nothing, so there is already something all over it.