Frage von popaj:
In short, we wanted our films on DVD sale.
On our DVD we use depositors no foreign
Logo, name only as the bottom disc.
Only thing I've noticed now that on the DVD Case
DVDLogo inside the stands.
Can you send it to customers?
Stick is so stupid, or rather new order without DVdlogo?
Thank you.
Antwort von snakenic:

Whether you as the customer can send, want is your thing.
But, remember that the official DVD logo is protected and that you have to pay license fees!
Antwort von popaj:

Then I have no new logo and ready.
Thank you.
Antwort von Pianist:

If the factory, which produces your DVDs, is licensed, and that it will be quite sure, then you can use the logo.
Antwort von jazzy_d:

So in the plastic bag is the DVD-Video logo? Why should we not allowed to sell? It has been so synonymous bought it. Only itself can be the logo is not "produce" (and in video or in print).
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

The fact that the logo of the Chinese as cheap boxes forge built illegally and was unlicensed, but you can of course not.
But for the marketing of the packaged product so you could be held liable. This is when R * lex imitations synonymous otherwise.
Whoever does not work properly may determine, the logo had been used legally, can be quite nice einhandeln trouble.
I would if I have a huge quantity of the boxes would write to the manufacturer (because of the possible joint and several liability: only very reluctantly to the seller, who may be in a garage sits on eb * y and verscherbelt any private bankrupt is) and ask if the logo is licensed.
Since the boxes but probably not in such large quantities lying, I would in the private sector to consume. Care: in the bay verscherbeln is of course marketing.
BG, Andreas