Frage von Violetta:
I would like if I diddle my DVD in my DVD player that runs like a preview video, and when that is finished, which I'm in my car then the main menu.
I have my main menu in menu 1, ie where you can specify the episode selection and selection of pictures.
How does it work??
Please please help me.
Lieben Dank
Antwort von silentzero:

Put the video preview just before the main menu. Everything that comes before the main menu is displayed before.
Antwort von Violetta:

Thanks for the reply!
How can I set only zuspielen that the video stops and does not always synonymous of front and back .... so that it starts sprindt Menu 2?? (Menu2 =) Episode Selection
Antwort von Violetta:

Please, please tell me how I set the need zuspielen that ends the opening credits! He always begins again in front of. :-( (
Antwort von Beat:

Hello Violetta
The easiest way you change the "Connections" window to the end that "First Play" points to the film, and the film after conducting a connection on the menu.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

In an emergency always synonymous help the built-in help feature of the program to use, if this is synonymous in English. The assistance DVDlab is fairly well established and takes you step by step to the goal.