Frage von Babapapa:
I want to be happy with a reference DVD application.
Labeled as such because you have a true professional? What information in what Reihelnfolge / format must be included because?
Submit a caption ala "reference videos, name, date and the format (DVD-Video 16:9), or what is missing? For a quote, let me quote here: 'The correct label on the disc does one recognize an aspiring professional "...
Would be very nice if someone would give Council NEN!
Thank you!
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Above all, the DVD, I would not "label" but with Tintenstrahler neatly printed. An attractive design and information about the content and of whom it comes from.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

I can only endorse me. Get the printable blanks and leave it with an inkjet printing. Someone friends or acquaintances is a device already have.
In no case a neutral Edding with blank paper or adhesive label use. The latter are for Audoi CD still usable on the DVDs have not lost!
Antwort von david2:

Another note: After I Prices for licensing (ie, that it (checked) all the standards) have read a DVD, I do not use more if the DVD logo. That you are the print logo may be $ 15,000 to berappen; how much the penalties would be if you do not have a license I do not know. Other links ect. at:
Antwort von Babapapa:

Thank you!
Submit it here Zweckform parts that can be printed and aufklebt or directly printed on? The latter has None and the companies make it until p.25 piece ....
Now, however, are still not clarified the points of what it should be ....
Halt abgesehn of the content ( "References") and the name, date ... because what is missing still crucial, what is valued?
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Hi Guest,
When it is a tribute DVD, then you should know yourself what you're worth,
Maybe you look times after a Canon printer to the label may be synonymous CDs.
Fixierspray car is also clear.
/ E
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Submit it here Zweckform parts that can be printed and aufklebt ...? Do not attach a label on a DVD! Much better is with a specially suitable inkjet printing directly onto a blank disc to print.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Babapapa:

Okay, thanks for the tips.
Faith da werd ich mich ma go around.
Are there good models?
Have just compatriots, printer ansich are already at 49 ¬ los ... what you have something to look out for?
Antwort von Eva Maier:

At Amazon's Canon 4300 partially to 56 euros
/ E
Antwort von arnosworld:

sodale, I've now viewed the 4300 and felt as good and equally packed:)
thanks for the recommendation, the disk shines in new splendor ... :)