Frage von hellh12:
Have a movie in DVD Studio Pro, now I would like some music clips from the movie on an extra menu individually select s.Ende selected clips of the DVD will return to the Extra menu. Must I create a script and how.
The problem is, the film is of course to normal dialing process. The clips are marked as "Jukebox" thought. For reasons of space, but I can not create a new track.
So if I play the movie, the running normally with chapters, etc. but if I am in the Music menu (film and sound) I would only play the selected title and then back into the music menu.
How do I get the s.einfachsten regulated. Bin for quick help very grateful.
Gruss Hellh12
Antwort von Axel:

The music clips have chapter markers of the end s.Anfang and limited.
Now you select the track from the list view, go with the cursor on the tool / toolbar and click
Add Story. Behind the tracks timeline is now the tab for the story. You draw a / the (n) Chapter of left to right in the list of story.
If the story in the list view is activated, it can be well controlled (anchor end, remote control, user rights) as a track or a chapter, without this influence. In the DVD tab will now appear in a new title, but this requires no space. He is just a reference to a specified time code within the stream dar.
Scripts to do this you need not.
Antwort von hellh12:

Hello Axel, thanks for the hint, there will be after the WE try.
Antwort von hellh12:

Hello Axel,
So somehow wills do not work. Have done everything as described, but the clip runs (if I start from the Jukebox menu) after the end of next chapter. And do not jump back on the Jukebox menu. But if I directly to the chapter in the story editor and select simulate choose, then it will bounce back. What am I doing wrong.
Greetings Hellh12
Antwort von Axel:
Hello Axel,
So somehow wills do not work. Have done everything as described, but the clip runs (if I start from the Jukebox menu) after the end of next chapter. And do not jump back on the Jukebox menu. But if I directly to the chapter in the story editor and select simulate choose, then it will bounce back. What am I doing wrong. Instead here a screenshot as an attachment to it, imagine, these are the chapter markers in your
track 1 Timeline:
K1 / K2 / K3 / K4 / K5 / K6 Chapter 4 is any song
Lalala, Chapter 5 is called
Tralala. You choose the top left of
track 1 and click 2 times to
add Story: In the list appear at the two story green symbols
story1 and
Story2. Similarly, have you behind the track riders on the timeline now two stories: In
story1 you draw from the chapter list (left), only K4 right into the story list.
The same repeat for you
Story2 and K5.
Your Musikclipmenu (Menu 2) has three buttons:
Lalala (target: Traces and Stories: Spur1: story1)
Tralala (target: Traces and Stories: Spur1: Story2)
Hauptmenu: (target: Menu1: Menu)
If you have the green icon
story1 choose (click), enter the bottom right of the Properties window (was formerly synonymous
inspector) to:
Jump to: Menu2: Menu
Remote control: Menu2: Menu
The same for Story2 (synonymous or how many stories you always want to do).
That works 100%. I do not know if I was in this way more or less than 100 DVDs have done, but about this number.
Antwort von hellh12:

Hello Axel,
just a big THANKS for the effort you've done. I forget the FB ahtte setting, I'm still synonymous but yesterday it came in so far as is now synonymous - but another problem is added: A music game is represented by a scene is interrupted in order to seamlessly play music now, I have at the beginning of Part 2, a new chapter, this is synonymous with links to track the end of the first part as a reference is specified (part 2 but has no separate button in the menu), the transition goes synonymous (almost) seamlessly, but s.Ende of part 2 he did not jump back on the submenu. So how do I get the baked?
Until then hellh12
Antwort von Axel:
A music clip is represented by a game scene is interrupted in order to seamlessly play music now, I have at the beginning of Part 2 of a new chapter, this is synonymous with links to track the end of the first part as a reference is specified (part 2 but has no separate button in the menu) , the transition goes synonymous (almost) seamlessly, but at the end of Part 2, he does not jump back to the submenu. So how do I get the baked? Shortcuts to track end - track links are in the hierarchy of chapters do not have control. You think somehow too complicated. The workflow is the most practical, the track only to be seen as the raw material from which you have the chapters that Stories compilations. This means the end of track and trace control "common" to leave and they are not synonymous as the target objects of Menutasten indicated.
Part 2, but has no separate button in the menu - This shows you that the story still did not understand. In my example above would be next "Lalala"
Chapter 4 and
Chapter 6, which both lie together in
story1. The button in the menu refers to story1 (K4> K5 is omitted-> K6). The anchor end of the menu
story1 is 2, as the target of the remote Menu button.
The track itself is not the end jump down. To play the track completely, do prefer a Story3 in which all chapters are in chronological order (Menutaste "All Play").
... synonymous transition goes (almost) seamlessly ... - If a story in a chapter omitted or the order reversed, the player to the new time code jump. Good, new players make almost imperceptibly, Zomtec, and Cybertron Aldion need because often a half second. It is better to have the chapter markers in FinalCut set (2x "m" button>
chapter mark), because then the frame markers accurately set and survive as the compressor (including clear chapter names like
Lalala1 and
Lalala2). In the DSP section is opposed to legally inaccurate.
Proposed workflow:
Cut and set chapter, export as DDS and Mpeg2s with Compressor, all media in DSP import.
Menus (stills or animations) and Button subpicture FC are also in Photoshop and prepared (if you have a question about their own forms of buttons in Photoshop, only to be).
The work in DSP is the totally uncreative, accounting management of these media. A DVD with two menus is - honestly - in five minutes programmed. And the window Verküpfungen "you need a rule never to open.
Antwort von hellh12:

Hello Axel,
first of all thank you for your patience. Quick Info advance than had so far with AVID and Sonic Solution geschnitten and mastered DVD's, and now I am on DVD Studio changed, but since I do see the future, much more creative! So bloody newbie with DVD Pro. But I am still learning.
Now again my problem: I have prescribed in the statement, I meant to split the clip (Story 4) I s.Ende of the 2nd part is not the end but the track end jump back to the menu, the links (which still does not work ). Have you as the Project Appendix times without mitgeschickt movie, maybe you can be a picture of what is wrong.
Waiting for your reply.
Gruß Helmut
Antwort von Axel:

Hello Helmut.
You searched for Spur1 Chapter 8 indicated the end of a jump: Spur1 Chapter 10
This is not only unnecessary, it is illogical, because you leave the story hierarchy and switch in the track hierarchy. With the end of Chapter 8 is therefore Story4 finished (although it is next with Chapter 10, but this is now in the track and of Chapter 11 will be followed).
Clerical errors, if the case complicated. To ensure that information in track, chapter or story is not logically contradictory, s.besten you decide that, in the case of stories
about stories and to control tracks and chapters
never be more precisely defined. Using Stories
(playlist), every possible combination of order or omission already possible, without ever a feature of the track to be determined - and the simple drag & drop.
At the
end of the
list, the jump target (songs = 2).
Antwort von hellh12:

Hello Axel,
excuse the late reply, was yesterday on the road. So I think I've understood it now. Let me with my own amateur words: So all the chapters in a story I prefer to be played in sequence and jump s.Sprungende the story on the predefined goal. Eg If I chap. 10 of Chapter 8 would be continued, then play until chapter 10 and chapter esrt then 8 and then back into spirngt songs menu, right?
The way it works now, thanks to you.
I did really well too many cumbersome thought, Sonic is as much verküpfungs and laborious.
Now another question, can I contact you again if (and I think in the learning phase will still occur) I have more problems understanding?
Thanks again for your great help!
Gruß Helmut
Antwort von Axel:
Now another question, can I contact you again if (and I think in the learning phase will still occur) I have more problems understanding? Sure, and no cause.