Frage von mariobo:
Hello Help, my nerves are completely blank!
Have a JVC Cam Corder.Hierauf, 51 are video clips with a total size of about 6.5 GB.Da I am not familiar, I will not edit the clips (a project), but only on a DVD burn.
The clips I have all in a row ranked in the storyboard.
As a program, I have Cyberlink Power director express.
And now I thought the story board with the clips on a dvd to burn.
I know that a dvd only takes 4.7 GB.
I probably need my film on two dvds burn.
already have several topics of this program is clicked, but until now not managed anything to burn on dvd.
Maybe someone can give me with a few steps explain how I use my clips in a row can burn to dvd.
Thank you! Mariobo
Antwort von ami842:

The 6.5 GB are probably a DV file if you've recorded from the camcorder. The loose fit on one DVD. Yes you are walking in to an MPEG. If you have the PowerMac director then probably synonymous with the power producer to you, if I remember correctly, can create a DVD.
Antwort von mariobo:

Hello Help, my nerves are completely blank!
Have a JVC Cam Corder.Hierauf, 51 are video clips with a total size of about 6.5 GB.Da I am not familiar, I will not edit the clips (a project), but only on a DVD burn.
The clips I have all in a row ranked in the storyboard.
As a program, I have Cyberlink Power director express.
And now I thought the story board with the clips on a dvd to burn.
I know that a dvd only takes 4.7 GB.
I probably need my film on two dvds burn.
already have several topics of this program is clicked, but until now not managed anything to burn on dvd.
Maybe someone can give me with a few steps explain how I use my clips in a row as a film can burn to dvd.
Sit here and wait for help because I do not weiterkomme. Maybe it needs more information because the question I've probably only the eyes are twisted due to my total ignorance :-)
Thank you! Mariobo
Antwort von mariobo:

Danke, hab now file into PowerProducer 2 Gold is imported.
And I do not know whether only the clips on the storyboard (51 with about a 3-4min.Länge), or the entire folder has been imported.
When I then click the Burn icon clicked, came the following message: "The size of the imported Fileübersteigt the amount of available disk space. Free space 4699 MB.
Can I somehow it burn to a DVD?
Thanks in advance
Antwort von gibson:

what kind of format as your original file (extension and what kind of video compression (right click-> Properties-> File Info)?
51 times if you have 3-4 minutes are over three hours of film. The while you can with a program with variable bitrate to squeeze a DVD, the quality is bad entscprechend. 1 hr = Good quality, 1.5 still ok, then go downhill.