Frage von mtl:
Hi, Hello and Good day,
I have the following problem:
Business, I am using Adobe Encore DVD 2.0, but the DVD's so I've created immediately ejected again as soon as they are inserted into a mac. As OS I use win xp sp2, and osx 10.4.
Otherwise, the DVD's commentary throughout and playing wunschlos.
There is no single phenomenon that I've already tried with dozens of projects and unfortunately spits google, adobe Slashcam and no solution.
Has someone an idea or even a solution?
Thank you.
Antwort von and12wo:

Which Mac is this?
Antwort von and12wo:

Vermutlih gibts still MACs with CDROM
Antwort von and12wo:

Mac Book Pro
Antwort von Axel:

That we have ever had. From Encore DVDs created are universally compatible. Point. I myself have a lot of Macs in a completely different view.
Try it on another Mac, and they will run.
I type on a hardware defect in your drive, if synonymous Purchase DVDs run. The Usual: Reinigungs DVD.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

With a Reinigungsdvd verschmierst you the best Lens and then garnicht more.
/ E
Antwort von mtl:

then I probably should ACPP the claim. from the basic I, yes.
best thanks for the reply.