Frage von CookieCrisp:
I'm on the search for a company where one can be produced DVDs. I'm doing next year for Abi and we have considered the year that we want to film the last year in order to know and I have beautiful memories. We would have to meet the cost but alone, it would be nice if all fails s.Ende cheap as possible (of course not cheap, but inexpensive, p). Shooting and cutting and layout, etc, we would do everything yourself, just stop producing the DVD would make ne professional company.
Is there anyone recommend something?
Antwort von Pianist:

Since there are hundreds of vendors, anywhere in Germany. Write a comment on which region you are sitting. Presumably there will be about less than 100? You get the prints for about 2 EUR per piece.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Look here:
or here:
or here:
The closest I can recommend you this company:
Because they have worked with us very quickly and did a great job (synonymous in DVD print).
Important for printing that you keep yourselves s.die eve, very importantly, create graphics in 300dpi. Templates can be found on the website.
Otherwise your Abijahrgang may make synonymous the "lab around the corner" a good quote?
Best regards,
Antwort von CookieCrisp:

hui, which was indeed fixed.
We are wholly abijahrgang very large, because the have to be a piece to the 110 plus copies for those who want the else so interested parents, teachers, etc. to cover financially to make the catch we produce orders in advance and then just piece .
the region is not so important or s.sich? the finished product is allowed to send but then eh. but if we are in berlin.
NEM in another forum was (funny name) is recommended because the piece of produce exactly synonymous.
the copy with the factory around the corner is of course ne good idea, because we will visit.
anyone of us had proposed synonymous to make this myself. but there is s.ende probably not nearly as a good product to come out as if you can do it. especially as this will be at expense of a hundred pieces.
Antwort von Pianist:
but if we are in berlin. Then go to the former
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Most likely you will get more expensive with out if you do the same, since ink is very expensive when you have to print 110 DVDs. In addition, you have to, at best, at least 4 DVD Burners.
Well, and then an eternity of work. But if you want to leave everything "private" and should no problems with Gema or so want to, because you let them copy 110 pieces, then you just burn and 10 DVDs in the year rumgeben and everyone should be copied as many as he wants . Does not look so good, but almost for free. Or do you just use any gemapflichtigen title.