Frage von snowboard-snooker:
So, I am complete novice in the field of Videoschneidens!
Have now Adobe Premiere Pro 7, I will try white demanding for a newcomer, but the eating!
My question now is whether I can create really no DVD menu?
Respectively. with which the additional program is then!
Save My second question relates to the individual, I already have the sequence to which it is acting as a gif and tiff can adjust the synonymous frames per second. But the images that I then have all totally blurred. In what could be the problem?
keep on rocking!
Antwort von Stefan:

Back to the DVD menu, I can not say anything, I guess the manual is the correct source. But if Adobe sells a separate program for DVD creation, I appreciate the possibilities of a more modest premiere ...
DVD menus can be done with DVD authoring programs. DVD menus for "lukewarm" to go with DVDStyler, DVDAuthorGUI, DVD + DVD Swarm Hive. But expect that you saved up the money to invest in a longer training period must.
Imported images are blurred like when a strong Hochvergrössern is necessary. Do you have sample pictures to hand, you can show here. Pictures for the forum you can sit at
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von snowboard-snooker:

[URL =]
zum Bild [/ URL]
So hello again!
That was the picture I have described as a blurred total!
But now have discovered that the lines are too, are normal and should be removed through nen video filters to! Because the fields and what not ...
Well, I've made ...
Find the quality but still not so sparkling!
Or is it normal that the synonymous Einzelbiler of videos simply are not that great?
[URL =]
zum Bild [/ URL]
Rock ok!
Antwort von Stefan:

Yes this is normal. Something makes me suspicious dual slope edge. There's probably a wobbler in the video. With a tripod - and if it is only the famous Seilstativ of Hannes - you can avoid this in the recording. Or are the tracking shots of you? In this case, it would still be good.
You can improve the quality of minimally adding
1 / The Halbbildstrukturen in the original image at the top of removing. If you advance, the Picture crop or magnify or belittling its worst, is the so-called deinterlacing in my pants.
2 / deinterlacing an intelligent way to use it, adapting the source material is s.das. Learn More at
3 / do not have DV-square - pixel (which camera do you?) Entzerrst to square pixels. DV material is easily compressed and is equalized only on TV. At 720x576 great for correcting single images, you can enlarge or reduce to 768x576 to 720x540. Zoom out is usually better.
4 / to adjust the color and brightness range to make. In many programs, the function is called this level. Thus, the picture is vivid and the "graying" disappears.
5 / - only for the information - for static subjects, and there are unmoved Camera Programs that combine several individual images in order to reduce the noise to. The point of this motif but not in a flower Macro would go ;-)
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von snowboard-snooker:

So yes tripod was not available!
Of the films, and stop standing there holding the camera in hand, nothing complicated or something!
But thanks for the replies have helped a lot!
A question I'd still there!
The menus that I will do with the authoring applications. Are like with Nero or Pinnacle, that I add later! So, first round, and cut each "chapter" dedicated to save and then later simply add?
Thank you very much
Antwort von Stefan:

As the chapters and menus must be provided depends very strongly from the use of program.
On my DVD authoring program (do not ask, you can no longer can buy) you can not auto play several movies in a row.
So I have to make the film in one piece to the DVD and put it in the Gesamtmachwerk chapter points. This chapter points, I can jump over a Menuseite his own record. But if I jump for example, Chapter 3, the film runs always from Chapter 3 of the end. It will not do that, pursuant to Chapter 3 returns to the Auswhlmenü.
If I wanted to have that, I would have to create the chapters in separate movies, but then I could not see all the chapters in succession as the total film ...
Good luck
The fat Stefan