Frage von Cobra 11:
I have a question for video editing: If I have to burn a DVD disc with 4.7 GB (120 min.) reinlege why one can of a video editing program only 1 h 30 m drauf burn. Or if I get a blank DVD with 8.5 GB of insert (240 min.), Then you can only burn 3 h drauf. But only for video editing programs!
Würd am looking for a reply.
Many greetings, Dusik
Antwort von Markus73:
I have a question for video editing: If I have to burn a DVD disc with 4.7 GB (120 min.) reinlege why one can of a video editing program only 1 h 30 m drauf burn. With correspondingly lower bitrate to get even 2 hours on it. Whether you still want to see is the other question.
Forget those minute details, these are just some theoretical values for not good quality.
An experience from the practice: In VERY GOOD encoder settings can I get with my software (Magix VdL) only about 80 minutes on a single disc.