Frage von Klaus Zimmer:
In recent months, I have some DVDs completed, with their quality but I am anything but happy. What bothers me is s.meisten is the fact that after creating the DVD material s.Schärfe loses everything and somehow blur effect. Particularly glaring is this effect in non-DV material to be felt. I will create such an animation in After Effects, export with 'optimum settings' AVI, tie this into an AND PPro create directly from the DVD premiere. The difference is obvious: The animation is much blurred and has a lot s.Brillianz status. The material, which is banned on DVD, is not usually synonymous strongly compressed, the films are usually between 30 and 60min. I accept the Standardeinstellugen of the Media Encoder from PPro with the highest quality. Curious as to whether you accept or not (DVD specification, etc.) I have several times the purchase DVDs pulled from my shelf and compared. The differences are sometimes extreme. On some DVDs (not synonymous, the more than 4.3 GB included), the crystal-clear animation and razor-sharp of the DVD, DVD menus such as! DV material is already of the ground up not the non plus ultra, but at least it should be high-resolution images (from digicam) animations or at least as presented, does not it? Is this now only s.Encoder or the settings, it is actually a huge difference when I made a good encoder would (eg Canopus Procoder or MainConcept)? Where is the secret and how can we prevent the problem occur? What worked for you from the workflow (especially in animations or still images edited)?
Thank you for your contributions! Klaus.
PS: I am working with Premiere Pro 2 and AFX 7
Antwort von poluroud20:

I use the ProcoderExpress for MPEG2 -Compression/Konversion of 'normal' source material (DV-AVI, 720 * 576) with the highest possible bitrate. When watching TV, I can have a visible reduction in sharpness compared to the source not be identified. Perhaps there is a visible difference in the direct 1:1 comparison under controlled conditions (which for me is less important as an amateur).
Antwort von poluroud20:

to hire the 'optimum settings' but not so ideal and the blur is already in the reduction higher resolution source material to be 720 * 576?