Frage von spontanheli:
I am now the owner of a Dazzle DVC 90th Now I have problems is part s.Windows XP (SP have to join 2). I Put the DazzleBox into the USB 2.0 port and Windows says I have I detected a DVC 90th Now Windows XP tries to find the drivers but unfortunately I do not have. Since I bought the part on eBay without software. So I organized my Pinnacle Studio V8.6. The software is now Auffen PC, but the box is not running. Now the question is where can I get a Drivers her for that. At Pinnacle jump I've looked but I did not sowas can find. Even with Google I have not found it. Apparently there are no drivers for it. Do I have to sell the thing again? I ask for help.
Gruß Marcus
Antwort von steveb:

seems to be really hard ...
look here
Antwort von Timbo:

I part with the Dazzle fed up. I sit for days in front of the PC and looking for Drivers and they do not think. I will peddle the part on Ebay again. My FlyVideo Map of Aldi, I get up and running without major problems. As I now of my analog Video8 cam movies on DVD should I get a look. Recording from the TV already works fine. Well then thank you very much, and until the day.
Ciao Marcus
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Marcus,
looking times in the article
Four ways to capture Video8/Hi8 too. What worries me though is your operating system (see link below). The options with A / D converter and Digital8 camcorder
would work just fine, but you can guarantee no one, either now or in the future.
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