Frage von Mink:
I plan to bring up the following summer a small traveling cinema.
I will, within four weeks of shooting with four by four, all the villages about 10 kilometers apart show.
So just s.Wochenende. I want to earn anything.
That is the month I will show four films. For one to two times.
Cinema Village says yes even I will probably play no more than 70-100 people. So there is limited revenue.
I would love to show reasonably current movies .... not necessarily Transformers or Harry Potter movies .... but smaller unpopular but recent ...
Now the real question:
Has anyone experience with pricing, handling and dealing with film distributors? You even get copies of lenders available on DVD or Blu Ray? Well but please tell everything you know about this.
Also technical experience are welcome .... beamer how to wear outdoors, which PA, which generators are quiet, etc. ...
Thank you ...
Antwort von Eastside:

Open air or indoor?
Antwort von Mink:

First of Summer Open Air Dinner only - ie the height of summer in the twilight and afternoon children's cinema. This then is likely to be in a tent or?
If I want to make synonymous times in the winter, the outdoor movies will work equipment yes synonymous Indoor?
Antwort von klaas:

The request from the lender, you will need to specify the approximate number of spectators.
I have licensed some films last year s.Open Airs and make it synonymous still own the fee starts at 800 ¬ and is open at the top.
Current films you will not get the lender will not alienate even their Kinoauswerter.
The movie you gotta get yourself if you want to play via DVD. Film prints will get you on the current MRP nnoch if there are any.
Antwort von Mink:

¬ 800 upwards is a joke right? Then I would have at 100 spectators yes 10 ¬ alone take to cover the costs. Aufm village!
Out of date must be level nich ... The films can already be out on DVD.
Antwort von klaas:

Indoor is better to stop is synonymous depends on whether you are to gain from it or not.
Turn just once s.den appropriate lender.
I only know that one has s.sowas We had little interest since one little reinbekommt and the cost of doing so again (far too high; abchecken rights and is still personify ne license agreement).
When I was still working on it last year, was found in our Legals way that we were in contrast to other lenders clearly synonymous with cheap and cut away our rights almost ". : D
Antwort von Kino:

Hello Mink
On the Page of the Association of Film Distributors Association you can find under "Public Information Film Screening," a two-page pdf, which already contains quite a lot of detail.
To accredit you as a film in VdF organizers, you need a screen synonymous number of FFA (;) Filmförderungsanstalt. The canvas or theater synonymous number you need to order by certified ticket printing your postcards to. These form the basis of the settlement of your movie rentals compared to the rental. While there are no fees, only a minimum guarantee film rental, which you as a "newcomer" ggfls. synonymous made as prepayment must. (; In open-air operations, I have seen already synonymous 500, - EUR, otherwise about 100 - 150)
As you enjoy yourself? Good, then it's next:
After reading the VdF pdfs you will find that you need at least a 35mm system or a projector / server to the DCI standard, may be available as DVD / BD exclusively used for private purposes, that is closed to the public. (; Course there are exceptions, however, no rental will review, of which media is played.) For larger titles, you can expect to wait already s.der eighth to tenth weeks enough copies of the approaching Shredder.
The smallest solution is thus a pair of TC-35 in Überblendbetrieb. Although this is Cinema Paradiso, but requires skills that go beyond the mere press of a button on the play.
You always read yet - Well!
Then it gets technical: In addition to the projection screen is of crucial importance and (because of their size, especially in open air with wind) complex under construction. With a bed sheet in the cherry tree and Projectors You'll find durable, not many friends. Air screens go right to the money. To make a blanket statement to the sound that is difficult for me because it always depends of the local conditions. Just this: 5.1 Equipment is often overestimated and is responsible for the cinema experience "stars under the stars" not absolutely necessary. Three front channels ranging from completely normally. An expansion of this configuration is synonymous (and, depending on the size of the event) with (considerable additional expense, delay-line) to be connected.
And because you have been reading here, I'll give you even a thought with the way Say now just a (; owner) Movies in your area. Often these synonymous have portable technology, you have someone to film scheduling, billing and technical support. I would not mind if someone like (you, and your commitment), these events in my area and carried out in participation. When the conditions will certainly agree to be achievable.
Good luck "dear colleague" wants
Antwort von B.DeKid:

THANK YOU KINO which I had once been synonymous intressiert very good, clean!
B. DeKid
Antwort von Mink:

Yes, thank you very much synonymous. So the answer I had hoped, and they've synonymous to read to the end. A bit of healthy disillusion was to admit but I'm still not averse.
After a bit of work I'm going to sign again with some questions, I think.
Greeting ...
Antwort von Kino:

Hello Mink
currently an almost complete OA-Movies is equipment (; canvas without frame) in the bay. Art # 110415513195
Since you have already a first impression. (; This is) not a purchase recommendation.
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