Frage von Hansi 2:
I want to buy me a camcorder that is not more than 220 ¬ it cost me kaufen.Binn but not sure which recording medium using möchte.Ich I've heard that the mini-DV s.besten ist.Ich but fear that the mini Dv-Balt no longer the gibt.Stimmt or is that just a rumor?
And what do you think of SD camcorders.
I would be on a News Look!
Antwort von Markus:

The MiniDV tape is definitely extinct, just as it eventually caught the stone tablet and it has the DVD and future sometime synonymous the BluRay disc will take. This is just a matter of time.
At this stage I would have no objection to MiniDV camcorder. On the contrary: In many score, they are still the better choice, especially if the recordings after you want to edit. And still there is the MiniDV cassette synonymous with high-resolution video still: For HDV.
Related topic:
MiniDV - what available evidence suggests
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Especially I-20 miniDV tapes for my HDV Camera ordered before louder Aussterbeangst ...
Antwort von der henne:

Surely they will someday become extinct. I would but not to worry, if you now you buy a DV camera. VHS tapes you get even more synonymous in every supermarket. Furthermore, even millions of DV cameras in its use.
Antwort von chrissigorn123:

... do you get it at Ebay still VHS tapes for recording ...
tape has proved itself. tape is good. :)
tape is like Dinner for One. Old, but always welcome.
AVCHD has DSDS status. Relatively new, annoying, but for many people well - and who will decide, ultimately, what the Glotze runs;)
Antwort von Chrissigorn123:

... what Dinner for One, but can not prevent, synonymous in years yet to be broadcast ...
sorry for the double post!
Antwort von Catalyst:

Have recently Hi8 video cassette and even Super8 films directly on the shelves of the local dealer seen .........
Antwort von Catalyst:

Only die cameramen
Antwort von joerg:

How quickly will the purchase of miniDV tapes are not met, finally, there is still miniDV camcorder to buy. Although the production of miniDV camcorders should be set, would be obliged for a time yet to miniDV-tapes.
I have even for my ur-ur-ur-ur-ur-old camcorder SabaVideoMovie VM 6700 (perhaps even 25 years old) was still brand new erwischt Batteries on the Internet.
Antwort von Catalyst:
But I fear that the mini-Dv Balt no longer exist. There are supplies for the unusual equipment to buy for decades, are no longer manufactured (ribbons for ball-typewriters, films for pocket cameras, specialty batteries for light meter, etc.). If yes laughed when cassettes for a still video system sold in the next few years throughout the market would disappear.
Antwort von joerg:
... There are supplies for the unusual equipment to buy, for decades no longer be produced ... . And how it looks now with the Polaroid instant picture shoot like? I've heard that no more films are produced, even though these cameras are certainly still there 10 years ago, my now expected to be 15 years.
Antwort von Jan:

I have in my shop still 600 movies, image (Camera & Image Procam) and SX 70 are already difficult to get.
The cameras are more likely to die on the MiniDV tape, I would not worry. In my teaching (1993-96) there were 8 mm, Hi 8, VHS, S-VHS, VHS-C, S-VHS-C etc - which is still there now, if not synonymous in such abundant choice.
Antwort von Franz Peter:

Video 2000 s.die power! : D
Antwort von david2:

A button cell CR 927 (RENATA, + to a smaller area) there are no more. No identical model, überhaupt nix polarity with this :-(.
And my calculator is not so old.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Button cell CR 927th .. no longer there. No identical Model ... Disheartening for the device owner, no question, but it seems to be a wicked exotic acted - for example, other units extinct because mercury batteries got quite compatible successor. With MiniDV is not, however, to compare, as these tapes are not a niche, but an absolute mass product.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Franz Peter:
A button cell CR 927 (RENATA, + to a smaller area) there are no more. No identical model, überhaupt nix polarity with this :-(.
And my calculator is not so old. Would you have purchased with solar cells, it would not happen: P
Sry, had to come ...
Antwort von Franz Peter:

Professionally deleted stone tablets cheap must (synonymous separately).
Antwort von Login_vergessen:

How often can I delete the stone tablets before a loss of quality recruits? Should we re-used in the panels prefer finger of HD content or is the no preference?
Antwort von Rene K:
How often can I delete the stone tablets before a loss of quality recruits? Should we re-used in the panels prefer finger of HD content or is the no preference? you can find the stone tablet as often trimmed until nothing more of it there. yes she will always delete every thin ...
So always be careful when buying, if possible, stable thick tafel to acquire! and on the material ensured. the mix makes it.
I take as the granite-premium!
Antwort von HZJ:

Please note:
In environmental zones private stone tablets may no longer be re-trimmed. Self-erasing is prohibited.
Antwort von beiti:
With MiniDV is not, however, to compare, as these tapes are not a niche, but an absolute mass product. Supplies are usually produced as long as a sufficient demand is there. If I s.die dissemination of MiniDV camcorders think I am because there are no worries.
Owner of little systems sold as Micro-MV must be much earlier to adjust supply bottlenecks.
Antwort von Axel:

In the year in which you go into a store and finding that MiniDV tapes are no longer have to be synonymous None wants more what with tape camcorders to have. I simply do believe that when this mitliest, s.Technik so interested is that it is much earlier rejected his old carrot has ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

And how it looks now with the Polaroid instant picture shoot like? ..... Nice argument for you because bringest.
So yes Polaroid is not the only one manufacturer or product which is so slow ausstribt photography.
But as long as it "barns / loft finds" there is still synonymous things ne while on different platforms to give buy.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
From an environmental point of view her recommended anyway rather bamboo s.zu build, in order to write roles to produce. These should then be stored sound jugs around for the best possible shelf life to ensure ;-)
Stone tablets are still out ;-)