Frage von Nuddles:
Hallo ihr lieben,
old theme, and together with After Effects, I do not really think about what! Mir is actually synonymous realize what a problem it is, but I watch only because s.Calculator and disrupt the stripes in the Picture!
I have DV video material on the plate ... I would like to deinterlace this problem before I start with the cut ... With the following method I've actually been synonymous hinbekommen:
After Effects, Videofile 2 times in composition withdrawn once -> set footage -> upper field and for the 2nd Setting Videofile lower half ...
then both move in timeline and file with the upper half at 50% opacity, set ... jo, and then render ...
I thought, it has actually worked. I now no longer the longer process and it does not work ...
Do what I wrong? I've forgotten what? I come to the defect is not ... Have previously done with CS2, now I have CS3, but actually there should be no difference ...
Let me render it with -> fields: From ...
but've already synonymous with the other setting tested, funzelt still can not ...
viell. can someone help me? Or I tell a different procedure for the problem? (Achso, I work with a Mac)
lieben Gruß Nuddles
Antwort von Jan-Paul:

Look here: die Methode synonymous schon angewendet. Funktioniert gut.
Wenn du noch ein bisschen mehr Einfluss drauf haben willst empfielt sich das Fieldskit: